Jesus' Coming Back

Israel’s Givati Brigade uncovers Hamas intel in northern Gaza stronghold

Soldiers for the Givati Brigade of the IDF took control over a Hamas stronghold in the northern Gaza Strip, uncovering documentation that could be crucial for the IDF moving forward in the war, according to a Friday statement from the IDF spokesperson.

The facility was said to house Najaba terrorists and the Jabaliya-based Hamas intelligence headquarters.

Within the stronghold, soldiers uncovered Hamas intelligence headquarters and associated documentation, complete with detailed maps, tables, means of communication and personal details about Hamas terrorists and commanders.

Similar content was found on the bodies of both captured and dead terrorists following the October 7th attacks.

Command and control charts as well as operational orders for the terrorist organization were also uncovered.

 Givati brigade fighters take control over Hamas control center (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
Givati brigade fighters take control over Hamas control center (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON’S UNIT)

Givati commander weighs in

Lt. Col. Z, the commander of the Givati brigade commented on the matter. “The Givati brigade raided Gaza City. During the raid, together with the 196th battalion of the armor, the unit went into the stronghold itself, fought hard battles with terrorists, we killed quite a few, destroyed shafts, underground And we brought important intelligence materials,” he said.


He added, “We will continue to raid your strongholds and kill you inside the shafts, underground and wherever you wait for us.”


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