Dem Rep. Phillips: It’s ‘Very Difficult’ to Be a Jew in the Democratic Caucus, There’s ‘Seemingly a Lack of Progressive Love’

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” 2024 Democratic presidential candidate Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) stated that “being a Jewish member of Congress in the Democratic Caucus is very difficult right now,” “And there is seemingly a lack of progressive love when it comes to our doorstep.”
Host Bill Maher asked, “[D]o you think the Democratic Party is too race-obsessed?”
Phillips answered, “I’ve never walked in the shoes of my black brothers and sisters, my brown brothers and sisters, my Asian American brother[s] and sisters. They’ve never walked in my shoes. I love them all. I do think that it’s problematic, I think that’s why we may not be winning elections that we should be and need to be right now. I think that we have to be more inclusive in the way that we talk about and we’re actually not practicing. And by the way, being a Jewish member of Congress in the Democratic Caucus is very difficult right now, you can imagine. And there is seemingly a lack of progressive love when it comes to our doorstep. And it’s problematic. I know I don’t look like someone whose community might need support or affection or protection.”
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