Jesus' Coming Back

Rockets not reduced on home front, but mortars reduced against IDF

Although rocket fire from Gaza into Israel has not been eliminated or even slowed even into the second week of the IDF ground invasion, mortar fire against IDF forces advancing in Gaza has been less than expected, the Jerusalem Post has learned.

Not only has mortar fire against IDF invading ground troops been less than expected, but it has dropped further even since the first couple of days of the invasion.

IDF speculation for the reduction in mortar fire could include the military’s continued success in killing a large mix of senior and middle Hamas commanders.

Moreover, the IDF would say that even rockets fired on Israel’s civilian population has stopped happening from areas where Israel maintains a standing force, and that continued rocket attacks come from areas where IDF forces do not stay, but merely cross through on patrol.

In their absence, while Hamas forces are still able to engage in gunfire fights and fire plenty of anti-tank missiles on advancing IDF forces, it seems that coordinating mortar fire has been harder to keep up with.

Palestinian Hamas militants attend a military drill in preparation to any upcoming confrontation with Israel, in the southern Gaza Strip March 25, 2018. (credit: IBRAHEEM ABU MUSTAFA / REUTERS)
Palestinian Hamas militants attend a military drill in preparation to any upcoming confrontation with Israel, in the southern Gaza Strip March 25, 2018. (credit: IBRAHEEM ABU MUSTAFA / REUTERS)

As part of the IDF’s success, division 36 alone has attacked 1,600 targets in Gaza since the start of the invasion, killing at least 300 Hamas terrorists.

In the last 12 hours, the division has attacked 50 targets


What is the IDF’s other tactic?

Another tactic that the IDF is using effectively in Gaza is approaching Hamas layers and ambush points, but seeking to maintain a 200-250 meter distance from them so as to be able to continue to use the IDF’s aerial, artillery, and tank power advantages.

This is forcing more and more Hamas forces to hide in the tunnels, where the IDF says it has other methods for keeping up the pressure and the attacks.

If pressure from the international community is steadily growing for a ceasefire, IDF field commanders are starting to talk about needing even more time than a couple of months to fully clean out Hamas – the goal set by the government.

Meanwhile, IDF sources reiterated that the IDF attack on an ambulance came because the ambulance was being used and abused by Hamas terrorists.

Further, the IDF had to close a recently opened humanitarian corridor for Gaza when Hamas fired on it.


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