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Unhinged Democrats Harass Republican Poll Watchers In Virginia: ‘I’m Gonna F-cking Remember You’

Tuesday’s state legislative elections are a big deal for Virginia Republicans.

If they can maintain their majority in the House of Delegates and flip the Senate, they’ll have trifecta control of the state government for the first time in 10 years. With bills protecting the unborn, increasing transparency in education, and furthering election integrity likely on the way should Republicans prevail, it’s not surprising that the commonwealth’s Democrat residents are lashing out in unhinged anger.

In Arlington, one of Virginia’s more Democrat-friendly jurisdictions, a leftist was filmed harassing and cursing out a GOP poll greeter, the latter of whom, according to RedState, offered the angry man “a Republican sample ballot.”

“You f-cking try to overturn elections with violence, and then you’re out here among decent people. What do you have to say to that?” the unhinged leftist said. “What are your policy prescriptions? F-cking rapist rights … involving people’s f-cking families and their f-cking bedrooms? You f-cking animal.”

After initially walking away, the leftist turned around and continued harassing the GOP poll worker before threatening to “f-cking remember you personally” if the worker tries “to steal my vote next year.” He then took out his phone and took a picture of the Republican official before stopping a nearby civilian to discourage him from being “buddy-buddy” with Republicans.

“They put on a face for their neighbor, but they support lynch mobs and the f-cking KKK. Or they’re f-cking Bible-beating bigots and freaks,” the leftist added before walking away.

According to RedState, the GOP poll worker is Matthew Hurtt, who has reportedly been involved in “conservative activism for over a decade.” While speaking with the outlet, Hurtt revealed that the video published to his X account is just half of the encounter with the deranged leftist.

“I had already talked to the Democratic poll greeters and a few voters when this man approached me,” Hurtt said. “I offered a Republican sample ballot, and he flew into a rage, calling me names, spouting the sort of tropes you hear in the video. Then he went inside to vote. I assumed he would come out afterwards and continue his verbal assault, so I turned on my phone camera and slid it into my shirt pocket.”

Democrats harassing GOP election workers and volunteers is hardly exclusive to Arlington, however. In Prince William County, another Democrat-friendly jurisdiction located in northern Virginia, the locality’s Young Republicans group documented a man cursing out GOP election volunteers.

A video posted to the Prince William Young Republicans’ X account shows a man slowing down his car to stop where GOP volunteers are standing. As he’s coming to a stop at the crosswalk, the driver is heard shouting, “All MAGA needs to go to Gitmo” and “You Republican MAGA f-ggots are scum.”

Democrats’ unhinged behavior has also been prevalent among the party’s radical left-wing candidates. As The Federalist’s Jordan Boyd reported, many Democrats running for office have run ads pushing outlandish claims that women will suffer irreversible harm if Republicans get elected. In the race for Virginia’s 65th House District, for instance, Democrat candidate and former Del. Joshua Cole ran an ad featuring an alleged doctor who claims “women will die” if his Republican opponent, Lee Peters, gets elected and Virginia places limits on killing unborn babies.

Shawn Fleetwood is a staff writer for The Federalist and a graduate of the University of Mary Washington. He previously served as a state content writer for Convention of States Action and his work has been featured in numerous outlets, including RealClearPolitics, RealClearHealth, and Conservative Review. Follow him on Twitter @ShawnFleetwood

The Federalist

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