Jesus' Coming Back

Donald Trump Jr. Mocks ‘Mitch Glitch’ McConnell

Donald Trump Jr. mocked “Mitch glitch” McConnell during his father’s rally in Hialeah, Florida, Wednesday evening — a rally that served as counter-programming to the third Republican primary debate.

During the rally, Don Jr. asked those in the crowd if they agreed with McConnell’s general sentiment that funding Ukraine is a top priority for the United States. The crowd audibly disagreed.

“I saw Mitch when he wasn’t doing a Mitch glitch. You know, when it’s just…” Don Jr. said, theatrically pausing and staring off in the distance, as the 81-year-old has done in front of the press and has repeatedly dismissed as a concern.

“When Mitch wasn’t in glitch, he’ll tell you that funding Ukraine is the number one priority for Americans right now,” he continued.

RELATED — Mitch McConnell Freezes Mid-Speech, Led Away from Podium

Don Jr. continued his informal survey of the crowd, asking people to raise their hands if “funding yet another never-ending war in Ukraine is a top three priority for you in this room.”

It appears no one raised their hand.

“How about, is it a top ten issue for you?” Don Jr. asked, seeking a single hand and failing to find one.

“Did anyone see a single hand go up that funding Ukraine is a top ten issue, for what? 10,000 people here?” he asked, noting that he has only had one person at any of the rallies raise their hand, identifying it as a top ten issue, and that is only because he was from Ukraine.

“So now we’ve surveyed about 30,000 people” and have found one guy, he said, adding that the sentiments of Americans do not matter because McConnell will still push Deep State propaganda to push funding Ukraine. That prompted the crowd to shout, “Bullshit.”

“Senate Republicans, RINOS — listen to the people here for once,” Don Jr. pleaded. “We would like some actual representation from our representatives.”



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