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Largest Migrant Caravan in Year Heading to US – as Leader Mocks Biden’s Border Policies; Thousands of Immigrants form Caravan in Mexico Headed to US Border

Largest migrant caravan in year heading to US – as leader mocks Biden’s border policies:

The largest migrant caravan in a year, estimated to include some 7,000 people, is heading toward the US — and its leader claims President Biden has “dropped the ball” on immigration and allowed Latin American countries to “gang up” on his administration.

This latest caravan, comprising migrants from Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, and Venezuela, left southern Mexico on Monday, bound for the US border.

Officials in the Mexican state of Chiapas said some 3,500 people set off on foot from the city of Tapachula near the Guatemalan border — but one of the caravan’s organizers, Irineo Mujica, claimed there were around 5,000 in the initial group, and that that number had since swelled to more than 7,000.

Mujica, a US citizen, and self-described “human rights defender” who has been accompanying the migrants, told the cable network Real America’s Voice he believed the leaders of Latin American countries were conspiring to create the current immigration crisis to extract money from Washington — and that Biden was allowing it to happen.

“I believe the Biden administration has dropped the ball,” he said. “A lot of the countries are fueling this immigration by … transporting people in.”

Mujica further claimed immigration was being “weaponized” against the US and the Biden administration – and that Mexico was “ganging up” with other countries in the region “to make sure all this immigration goes straight into the United States.”

The caravan organizer argued that “irresponsible” Latin American countries have been charging migrants money in exchange for rides to the US border, where he said they were temporarily held before being released, instead of being deported. —>READ MORE HERE

Thousands of immigrants form caravan in Mexico headed to US border:

Thousands of immigrants are walking by foot through Mexico to the U.S. southern border rather than pursuing avenues for legal admission created by the Biden administration.

Between 5,000 and 8,000 people have formed the caravan in Tapachula, Chiapas, and began moving north Monday with more than a thousand miles more distance to cover before they will reach the United States, Telemundo reported.

Immigrants gathered in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas as some took the dramatic step of sewing their lips together as a form of protest against immigration decisions, according to a local media report.

Officials from the Biden administration were scheduled to meet with officials from the region to discuss irregular migration through South, Central, and North America, as well as the Caribbean.

The Biden administration has encouraged immigrants to visit safe mobility offices in South and Central America and apply for legal admission to the U.S. rather than traveling thousands of miles and paying Mexican smuggling organizations thousands of dollars to get to the U.S. —>READ MORE HERE

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