November 9, 2023

To understand Gaza, you must understand what a welfare state on steroids looks like. This is a state that produces nothing, living only on the largesse of others. To hide this destructive parasitism, it has not only actual “workers” but also “idle workers,” a term I borrow from the Talmud. The former work and get value for their wages; the latter happily do little or nothing and get the same or lower wages. Those in the second category think they’re getting money for nothing, but they could not be more wrong—and Gaza is Exhibit A.

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Now let’s attend to the Gazans. I arbitrarily chose 18-year intervals to chart their population growth.

From 1951-1968 Gaza grew from 278,000 to 354,760 or an increase of 28%

From 1969-1987 Gaza grew from 354,760 to 868,100 or 144%

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From 1987-2005 Gaza grew from 868,100 to 1,500,000 or 72%

From 2005-2023 Gaza grew from 1,500,000 to 2,380,000 or 58%

None of these increases represent natural (normal) population increases. The problem is that these substantial growth levels were experienced alongside unemployment rates from 50% to 80%. Here is where we begin to understand the unusual nature of Gaza compared to the rest of the world.

Poverty has always been epidemic in Gaza but here’s an interesting factoid, which is that there’s always money for bureaucrats: Before 2006, there were 80,000 government workers in the pay of the Palestinian Authority (PA). When Hamas threw out the Palestinian Authority in 2006, the PA continued to pay their salaries to maintain their loyalties. They were no longer working but were receiving the same salaries.

Image by AI.

Having them on the payroll not only bought their loyalty, it allowed statistical lies. In 2021, the Palestinian authorities claim the unemployment rate was 44.7%, which probably would not include those still being paid by the Palestinian Authority while staying at home. In other words, donor nations were snookered into believing that they were helping create a viable economy.

More factoids: Gaza normally receives 455 trucks of aid per day. That is unusual for most places in the world. Of course, it has no exports except for some agricultural produce. Gaza does not manufacture its daily needs and wants. Essentially, everything is imported.