Jesus' Coming Back

IDF reveals Hamas hostage, explosives center under Rantisi Hospital

IDF Chief Spokesman Brig. Gen. Daniel Hagari revealed late Monday night an underground Hamas command center under the Rantisi Hospital which not only contained suicide vests, rocket-propelled grenades, and a variety of weapons but also signs, such as baby bottles, that Hamas had held Israeli hostages there.

He said there was evidence and independent separate intelligence that Hamas terrorists had returned directly to the hospital after their attacks and mass murders of Israelis on October 7.

 Hamas infrastructure in and around the Rantisi Hospital, November 13, 2023 (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
Hamas infrastructure in and around the Rantisi Hospital, November 13, 2023 (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON’S UNIT)

Next, he noted that an IDF robot found additional terror tunnels, including electricity being siphoned off from the hospital for use by the terrorists underground.

A video showed the basement of the hospital which showed a location disconnected from the rest of the hospital where the significant terror explosives and armaments were kept.

Hagari showed a motorcycle with a bullet hole inside it and items connected to one of the hostages in the vicinity of the motorcycle.

One of the chairs showed ropes and other items indicating that a hostage had been held there.

A baby bottle and other baby materials were found which the IDF said were connected to a hostage baby.


There were also improvised toilets, which Hagari said was infrastructure to hold hostages.

A list on a board marked the days since October 7, possibly indicating when the terrorists left, likely with hostages.

He said he was not sure if the terrorists used the evacuation to escape or used additional networks of underground tunnels.


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