November 13, 2023

Contrary to left-leaning news headlines, Republicans saw several key successes on Election Day. For example, Long Island in New York is now solidly red. Still the question we must ask is: How many elections will Republicans lose in 2024 because of the abortion issue?

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Yes, if there is a heartbeat, it’s a baby. The problem is that Republicans cannot save innocent babies if they keep losing elections. And if we lose elections, especially the White House, Senate, and House in 2024, more than babies might die as the nation tilts toward Marxist Democrat control.

One problem is that the pro-life side is all over the map regarding abortion (whereas Democrats have one position). Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, a national anti-abortion group, wants a 15-week federal ban. Other groups want a heartbeat bill with no exceptions. Some want a heartbeat bill with exceptions. Some want each state to decide. Other organizations want a federal law. Some say the ban should be at 12 weeks, while others say at 15 weeks.

Should Republicans be “pro-choice for LIFE?”

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Based on votes in 2022 and 2023, the American people do not trust government (no surprise there) on the issue of abortion. They want the health conversation to remain between the doctor and patient. Just look at what happened last year.

In 2022, abortion rights ballot measures won in all six states including red states like Montana, Kentucky, and Kansas. The other three states were Michigan, California, and Vermont. Those six states were loud warnings to Republicans, and they ignored them.

Image by Elvert Barnes. CC BY 2.0.

As red Ohio confirmed a few days ago, many Americans do not want a restrictive abortion bill that takes the reproductive decision away from the patient and doctor. Ohioans voted against the heartbeat bill 57-43%, so that now there is a state constitutional amendment that makes abortion a fundamental right. The vote wasn’t even close.

Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America said in a press release:

In Ohio, pro-abortion forces spent a staggering $66.7 million, outspending pro-life forces by a 2:1 margin to fuel a campaign centered on lies and deception to muscle through a constitutional amendment designed to allow unlimited, unregulated abortion.

The staggering sum spent by pro-abortion forces and the tens of millions of ‘in-kind’ contributions made by the media overwhelmed the ability of the pro-life movement and Governor DeWine to communicate the facts to the voters. In the closing weeks, pro-abortion forces outspent pro-life forces $19 million to $7.7 million on television, nearly a 3:1 advantage.