Jesus' Coming Back

Senior Pastor Scott Sauls, Resigns from Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville

The senior pastor at Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, Tennessee, has resigned, according to The Christian Post.

Scott Sauls formally resigned this week, and the congregation has voted to accept the resignation.

“We had hoped to continue forward and help with CPC,” Sauls told the congregation during the meeting, according to The Tennessean. “But we now believe the most merciful thing to do is step aside so the church can seek new leadership, and we can seek the Lord’s will for whatever comes next.” 

The move comes after Saul was placed on indefinite leave with the Nashville Presbytery, the regional authority for Middle Tennessee churches in the Presbyterian Church in America. He was suspended indefinitely after an inquiry found that Saul’s leadership created a toxic work environment at the church.

In May, Saul admitted to the misconduct in a video to the congregation.

 “I verbalized insensitive and hurtful criticism of others’ work. I’ve used social media and the pulpit to quiet dissenting viewpoints,” Sauls said. “I’ve manipulated facts to support paths that I desire.”

Saul had been in the role for 12 years, but he was criticized for an “unhealthy leadership style,” where he was harsh to church staff.

The news of his “insensitivity” was in direct opposition to the view he stressed in his books, including “A Gentle Answer: Our ‘Secret Weapon’ in an Age of Us Against Them,” “Befriend” and “Irresistible Faith.”

He told the congregation that he would seek counseling and repentance during his leave.

“I am grieved to say that I have hurt people,” he said. “I want to say to all of you that I am sorry.”

The church’s elders also apologized to the congregation.

Christ Presbyterian is a multi-site church with three campuses and approximately 2,000 weekly attendees. According to the church’s website, it is governed by a 26-member elder board. 

Photo Courtesy: ©Getty Images/Ehrlif

Amanda Casanova is a writer living in Dallas, Texas. She has covered news for since 2014. She has also contributed to The Houston Chronicle, U.S. News and World Report and She blogs at The Migraine Runner.

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