November 14, 2023

Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) has been bleating about a “‘Palestinian‘ Genocide” in the current conflict between Israel and Hamas.* She’s not alone. We’ve heard the same from the supposedly neutral “Palestinian” UN envoy, an official who had been under review for biased antisemitic social media posts, big-shot unbiased Iranian poohbahs, and loads of others. Indeed, claims that Israel has committed genocide are multiple and antedate the current conflict.

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What follows is proof of how astounding and (ahem) devastating this alleged “genocide” is. It is unlike any other in the history of the world.

No malarkey.

To put the “Palestinian genocide” in context, here is a table of 15 genocides recognized by the United Nations, in order of number dead, including the years, estimated number of dead, UN resolutions re: each genocide, sources of the death numbers, and who committed the genocide. (Data culled from the UN Security Council website.)



Estimated number of dead

UN resolutions


Who committed the genocide

The Holocaust


6 million Jews

General Assembly Resolution 2200A (XXI) of 16 December 1966

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Nazi Germany

The Holodomor


3.9 million Ukrainians

General Assembly Resolution 69/271 of 22 December 2014

Holodomor Research and Education Centre

Soviet Union

The Cambodian Genocide


1.7 million Cambodians

General Assembly Resolution 39/146 of 14 December 1984

Cambodian Genocide Documentation Center

Khmer Rouge

The Rwandan Genocide


800,000 Tutsis

Security Council Resolution 955 (1994) of 8 November 1994

United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda

Hutu extremists

The Armenian Genocide


1.5 million Armenians

General Assembly Resolution 96/8 of 12 December 2016

Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute

Ottoman Empire

The Anfal campaign


500,000 Kurds

Security Council Resolution 688 (1991) of 5 April 1991

Anfal Genocide Documentation Center

Iraqi government

The Circassian genocide


500,000 Circassians

General Assembly Resolution 2625 (XXV) of 24 October 1970

Circassian Genocide Documentation Center

Russian Empire

The Assyrian genocide


250,000 Assyrians

General Assembly Resolution 36/123 of 10 December 1981

Assyrian Genocide Research Center

Ottoman Empire

The Greek genocide


300,000 Greeks

General Assembly Resolution 2625 (XXV) of 24 October 1970

Greek Genocide Museum

Ottoman Empire

The Darfur Genocide


300,000 Darfuris

Security Council Resolution 1706 (2006) of 31 August 2006

International Criminal Court

Janjaweed Militia and the Sudanese government

The Bosnian Genocide


100,000 Bosniaks

Security Council Resolution 827 (1993) of 25 May 1993

International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

Bosnian Serb forces

The East Timorese genocide


100,000 East Timorese

Security Council Resolution 1272 (1999) of 25 October 1999

United Nations Special Committee on Decolonization

Indonesian military

The Herero and Namaqua genocide


100,000 Hereros and Namaquas

General Assembly Resolution 2625 (XXV) of 24 October 1970

Genocide Watch

German Empire

The Guatemalan genocide


200,000 Mayans

General Assembly Resolution 39/146 of 14 December 1984

Guatemalan Forensic Anthropology Foundation

Guatemalan government

The genocide of the Yazidis by ISIL


5,000 Yazidis

Security Council Resolution 2379 (2017)

International Criminal Court

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)

Notably, seven of the above genocides involved Muslims as the perpetrators (the Ottoman Empire, the Iraqi government, the Sudanese government and the Janjaweed Arabs, the Indonesian military, and ISIL). Socialists committed several others.

There you have it. The “Palestinian” Genocide, like no genocide ever in all its population-increasing, low mortality rate glory.

With that information in mind, let’s look at the alleged “Palestinian genocide.”

Oddly, as the chart shows, the United Nations has not officially recognized a “Palestinian” genocide. So, we need to look elsewhere for data. According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (“PCBS”), Population Estimates by District and Governorate, 2023, the population has grown from 1.1 million in 1967 to 14.0 million in 2023. This represents a growth of 12.9 million people for an average annual growth rate of 3.1%.

Image: The beach in Gaza, just two years ago (cropped). YouTube screen grab.

The PCBS defines a “Palestinian” as “any person whose usual place of residence is in the Palestinian Territory, regardless of nationality or place of birth.” This definition is consistent with the definition used by the United Nations.

The “Palestinian” population is not evenly distributed. The majority of “Palestinians” live in the Gaza Strip, Judea and Samaria (which is incorrectly called “the West Bank”), and East Jerusalem. However, there are also significant “Palestinian” populations in other countries, such as Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria.

According to the PCBS, the “Palestinian” population in the Gaza Strip, Judea, and East Jerusalem has grown from 1.1 million in 1967 to 5.4 million in 2023. This represents an average annual growth rate of 3.5%. This breaks down as follows:

In the Gaza Strip, the population has grown from 385,000 in 1967 to 2.2 million in 2023, representing an average annual growth rate of 4.1%.

In Judea and Samaria, the population has grown from 700,000 in 1967 to 3.2 million in 2023, representing an average annual growth rate of 3.1%.

This huge population growth comes from several factors, including high birth rates and low mortality rates. The population is also young, with a median age of 20.5 years. This means that the “Palestinian” population is likely to continue to grow in the coming years.

In other words, unlike all those other genocides, the alleged “Palestinian Genocide” has resulted in substantial population growth and is associated with “low mortality rates.” In fact, in the areas in which we’re told a genocide occurred, we’ve witnessed one of the fastest population growth rates in the world.

That is quite a trick.

Maybe Allah really is Akhbar.


*As a reminder, the “Palestinian” people are a 1960s political construct, not an indigenous people with ancient ties to the land.

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