Jesus' Coming Back

If Palestinians Wanted Peace and Prosperity, They’d Already Have It: They Chose Violence. Over and Over Again; ‘Free Palestine’ Really Means ‘Eliminate Israel,’ and Democrats Can No Longer Ignore It

If Palestinians Wanted Peace And Prosperity, They’d Already Have It:

They chose violence. Over and over again.

In 2005, Palestinian Arabs were given autonomy over the Gaza Strip for the first time in their history. To make it happen, the Israeli government forcibly removed thousands of Israelis from the area. Without military protection, Jews would be murdered by Palestinians, who prefer their land Judenfrei.

As Jews were being evicted from their homes, some began to dismantle the farms and hothouses they’d built, reluctant to hand over years of hard work. In the name of peace, however, American Jewish donors purchased the 3,000 remaining greenhouses that stood over 1,000 acres for $14 million and gave it to the Palestinian Authority, gratis. A large portion of the donations were earmarked for “crucial equipment like computerized irrigation systems” and other modern farming systems for Palestinians.

As soon as the Jews were gone, mobs of Palestinians showed up and broke windows, stole irrigation hoses, water pumps, and everything else they could get their hands on, destroying everything they could, as “police” stood by and watched. This happened before Hamas came to power. Before any blockades.

By 2007, the unity government between the PLO and Hamas had fallen apart after the latter won a landslide election in 2006 and began defenestrating its political opponents. It was a warning. There has not been a real election in the West Bank since. And it’s a good thing because Islamists would surely grab power there as they had in Gaza. Joe Biden likes to say that Hamas doesn’t speak for Palestinians, but the ugly truth is that Hamas is a far better ambassador of the Palestinian people than the “moderate” Fatah party, which we prop up with billions of dollars.

I thought about all this when reading Sen. Rand Paul’s hopelessly naïve piece in The Federalist today. Paul contends that peace between Israel and Arabs is contingent on promised “prosperity” for Palestinians. He mentions the word “prosperity” eight times, in fact, contending that “non-Hamas Palestinians must hear a message of hope of what could come if they renounced violence.” The libertarian senator then unsheathes this pollyannaish suggestion: “[I]nstead of dropping leaflets to a million Palestinians to flee or be bombed, perhaps we might consider leaflets announcing the prosperity and benefits if they choose a government that recognizes Israel and renounces violence.”

Palestinians have been hearing this message nonstop since 1948 — if not since the 1920s. Many of the Arabs who immigrated to British Palestine from Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, and elsewhere were lured by the promise of the “prosperity” that was being created by Jewish newcomers. Once there, fueled by the propaganda and lies of their leaders, they created an intractable situation. Before there were any “open-aired prisons” or “occupied territories,” there was terrorism and massacres of Jews. And, still, when offered a state in 1948, with the promise of self-determination and prosperity, they rejected it and tried to annihilate the region’s Jews. —>READ MORE HERE

‘Free Palestine’ really means ‘Eliminate Israel,’ and Democrats can no longer ignore it:

Saturday’s rally in Washington makes it beyond obvious: The left won’t accept anything less than total US abandonment of Israel.

The chants of “Allahu Akbar” and “F–k Joe Biden” as the protesters smeared red on the White House gates made that pretty plain.

President Biden is trying to paper over that fundamental divide in his coalition by talking up the idea of “pauses” in Israel’s drive to eliminate Hamas.

But Hamas has made it plain that it won’t accept any efforts to reduce Gazans’ suffering: On Friday its fighters purportedly mowed down Palestinians trying to flee south; on Saturday it attacked IDF forces seeking to open a route for Gazans to escape.

(And it’s still blindly firing rockets and missiles into Israel — continuing to target civilians.)

Israel, meanwhile, has said it won’t even think about any pause unless Hamas hands over the hostages it seized during the Oct. 7 terror attacks.

That’s something the group’s leaders, safely ensconced in Qatar, could order any time; instead, they offer vows to keep on with future terror raids until Israel is destroyed.

None of that mattered to the marchers in DC (or New York, or London, or anywhere else): “Free Palestine” plainly means that Israel must forever turn the other cheek — and leave Hamas in full control of Gaza. —>READ MORE HERE

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