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Outrage erupts as BBC claims IDF deliberately targets innocents

BBC news anchor misread a Reuters report on Tuesday and said that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) were “targeting medical teams as well as Arab speakers,” at Al Shifa hospitals, while the report actually meant the opposite.

Reuters quoted the IDF, on its operation on Wednesday against Hamas within the hospital, “The IDF forces include medical teams and Arabic speakers, who have undergone specified training to prepare for this complex and sensitive environment, with the intent that no harm is caused to the civilians,” the IDF quote stated.

The BBC report made it seem that the IDF was actually targeting medical teams as well as Arab speakers. 

The BBC later apologized for the coverage on air, where they acknowledged the information was “incorrect and misquoted a Reuters report.”

Britain’s Jewish community calls BBC reports appalling

The Board of Deputies of British Jews (BOD) issued a statement on Wednesday, “We are absolutely appalled by BBC News footage which appears to show a newsreader misquoting a Reuters report which cited the IDF saying it was taking ‘medical teams and Arabic speakers’ into Al-Shifa hospital to help patients.


The BBC Newsreader quoted the Reuters report as saying that the IDF was ‘targeting medical teams as well as Arab speakers’.

“At best, this shows a staggering lack of care when reporting on a highly volatile situation, which can have a knock-on effect all over the world, including in Britain, where antisemitic attacks have risen by more than 500 percent since October 7th. Incidents like this make a mockery of the BBC’s oft-stated dedication to professionalism and impartiality. The Corporation must issue a public apology without delay for this egregious misreporting,” the BOD statement said. 


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