Jesus' Coming Back

Bible Education Program Making a Positive Impact on Public Schools during School Hours

Decades ago, our nation systematically removed religious education from the public school day. LifeWise Academy is bringing it back.

This year, more than 300 schools are being positively impacted by a new program called LifeWise Academy, which offers Bible education to public school students during school hours.

However, a surprising number of parents and educators remain unaware of the legal framework that enables public school students to receive Bible instruction during school hours. The genesis of this opportunity dates back to a pivotal moment in 1952 when the U.S. Supreme Court, in the landmark case of Zorach v. Clauson, declared “released time religious instruction” as constitutional and legally permissible in all 50 states. According to this critical decision, students can be excused from regular classes in the middle of the school day to partake in religious education, provided it occurs off school property, is privately funded, and has parental consent.

LifeWise Academy seizes this constitutional allowance to provide practical Bible education, aiming to enhance students’ academic performance, character development, and mental well-being. The program tailors its instruction to be relatable and beneficial to students regardless of their religious background.

By the end of the current academic year, LifeWise Academy will extend its influence to over 300 schools across 15 states, driven by a substantial surge in interest, predominantly from parents seeking this unique educational supplement.

Operating in tandem with educators, LifeWise Academy serves as a valuable partner, reinforcing and complementing traditional teaching methods. Schools with a local released time program report not only improved behavior and academic performance but also the ability to attract families who might otherwise forgo public education due to the absence of religious instruction. The impact is tangible, with numerous testimonials from teachers and school principals attesting to LifeWise’s effectiveness in fostering good behavior and character development among students.

A revealing case study from one such school demonstrated a stark contrast in behavioral outcomes. Students attending LifeWise had a remarkable 60% decrease in office referrals, while their non-participating counterparts experienced an increase over the same period.

A 2023 survey conducted by LifeWise Academy among 1,100 parents provides further evidence of its positive impact. An overwhelming 96% of parents recommend enrolling their children in the released time program, with 77% noting that the Bible classes contribute to better decision-making by their children.

Educators, too, speak favorably of LifeWise’s religious instruction. A robust 76% of teachers surveyed affirm that their schools and students have benefited from the program, with only 8% expressing disagreement. Moreover, 65% of teachers acknowledge that LifeWise positively influences their students’ outlook, attitude, and motivation.

LifeWise Academy provides a proven plug ‘n play model to empower communities in all contexts with the resources and tools to launch and maintain an effective program. Every program is community-driven: a grassroots effort that begins with collecting 50 names on a community interest list. Once adequate interest is established, the local community forms a steering committee representing various churches, which works with LifeWise staff to create and present a plan to school officials for approval and coordination. Then communities follow a step-by-step plan to implement a program launch.

In a landscape where organizations have historically aimed to impart the teachings of Jesus and Christian character before and after school, LifeWise Academy’s strategic choice to operate during school hours has proven to be a game-changer. This approach allows for better integration into the school’s culture and, crucially, ensures that those students who need it the most are not overlooked due to logistical and scheduling challenges. LifeWise Academy stands as a beacon—fostering character and faith education within the public school system.

Photo Courtesy: LifeWise Academy, used with permission.

Joel Penton is the Founder and CEO of LifeWise Academy, a nonprofit that provides Bible education to public school students during school hours. Joel lives in Columbus, Ohio, with his wife, Bethany, and their five children.

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