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Congress Prepares to Fund the Border Crisis Into 2024 While Biden Administration Continues to Break Records; 309,000 People Encountered at US Borders in October — Second Busiest Month in History: CBP

Congress Prepares to Fund the Border Crisis Into 2024 While Biden Administration Continues to Break Records:

The following statement was issued by Dan Stein, president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), demanding that any spending package include strong policy changes that will end the Biden administration’s dangerous border policies:

WASHINGTON, Nov. 14, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — “Nationwide encounters of illegal aliens attempting to enter the country, once again, exceeded 300,000 in October, while House Republicans are set to approve another Continuing Resolution (CR) that continues to fund the Biden administration’s disastrous border policies into February 2024.

“Even as top national security experts issue dire warnings of terror threats posed by our wide-open borders, congressional leaders are again failing to use the CR as an opportunity to force the Biden administration to end policies that place our nation in grave danger. While the Biden administration must take responsibility for the policies that resulted in 309,221 border encounters last month, Congress must be held accountable for their complicity. House Republicans have squandered a full year of their two-year control without passing a budget that forces the administration to end its reckless border and immigration policies. Halting the Biden Border Crisis was an explicit promise they made last year when they asked American voters to entrust them with the leadership of the House.

“H.R. 6363, the Further Continuing Appropriations and Other Extensions Act, extends the budget enacted by Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats in 2022 into 2024. Rather than including changes needed to regain control of our borders by ending the mass release of illegal aliens, stopping asylum abuse, and limiting parole, this bill would reinforce the status quo. —>READ MORE HERE

309,000 people encountered at US borders in October — second busiest month in history: CBP:

The US border is still at a breaking point with 309,000 people attempting to enter the the country in October according to Customs and Border Protection’s official figures.

It was the second highest month for crossings at US land borders to the North and Southwest in history, down from September when the record was set with 341,000 encounters, government statistics show.

Of those encountered by agents, 188,000 — more than half — were arrested for illegally entering the country between official points of entry on the Southwest border.

Others included in the total number of encounters were 44,000 migrants who had arranged appointments with officers through the CBP One app and those who handed themselves in at border crossings to claim asylum, as well as those crossing regularly with US passports or visas.

CBP said it has seen a 65% decrease in encounters with Venezuelan nationals in the second half of October, after deportation flights resumed to the South American nation on Oct. 18.

In September Venezuelans had become the nationality most often arrested for illegally crossing the border, surpassing Mexican nationals for the first time.

As well as those encountered at the border by officers, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has admitted that in the 2023 fiscal year which ended September 30, some 600,000 people illegally made their way into the United States without being apprehended by border agents, in what he himself called “a powerful example of a broken immigration system.” —>READ MORE HERE

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