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HHS Refused to Share Files On Illegal Immigrant Criminals with Congress; ICE Will Deport Criminal Gang Member Two Years After He Was Caught And Released At The Border

HHS refused to share files on illegal immigrant criminals with Congress:

The Health and Human Services Department has refused to share with Congress case files on immigrants without documentation who are charged with crimes, forcing House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan to threaten a subpoena.

HHS is responsible for detaining immigrant juveniles who illegally jump the border without a parent — Unaccompanied Alien Children or UACs. The number of UACs under President Biden has shattered all previous records, and Mr. Jordan has been trying to get HHS to reveal how it makes decisions on releasing the migrants.

Those questions have taken on new urgency amid a rise in crimes like murder and assault laid at the feet of UACs.

But the department has shot down repeated requests by Mr. Jordan and Rep. Tom McClintock, a California Republican who chairs Judiciary’s immigration subcommittee.

“HHS’s refusal to provide basic information pursuant to the Committee’s requests is wholly unacceptable and appears to be a part of a concerted effort to obstruct congressional oversight into ORR’s deficiencies,” the GOP lawmakers wrote in their letter, which was obtained first by The Washington Times.

The lawmakers went on to warn: “Please be advised that the Committee may be forced to resort to compulsory process if these requests remain outstanding.”

That compulsory process usually means an enforceable subpoena.

As one example of the department’s recalcitrance, the committee has repeatedly prodded HHS over whether it has a policy of referring known gang member migrants to the Justice Department for further action. —>READ MORE HERE

ICE Will Deport Criminal Gang Member Two Years After He Was Caught And Released At The Border

Federal authorities will deport an illegal alien gang member that was previously deported and later released into the U.S. two years after he was encountered, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said Monday.

The Salvadoran 18th Street gang member was first caught in May 2011 by Border Patrol, which handed him to ICE, who removed him back to El Salvador in July 2011, ICE said. Upon his return to El Salvador, San Salvador Police Department arrested and charged him with crimes involving public peace, illicit groups and illegally carrying a firearm in July 2013, identifying him as a member of 18th Street

The gang member then reentered the country in 2021 and was apprehended before being released; however, he was apprehended again in Cockeysville, Maryland, on Nov. 7.

“This Salvadoran noncitizen represented a threat to the residents of Maryland,” Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Baltimore acting Field Office Director Darius Reeves said in a statement. “He is a documented member of a violent street gang using our communities to hide out from authorities in his home country. ERO Baltimore will not allow the world’s criminals to use Maryland neighborhoods to escape justice.”

Authorities in San Salvador arrested the gang member in November 2015, charging him with carrying a firearm illegally, according to ICE. Later, he reentered the U.S. illegally without detection, but was ultimately nabbed by Border Patrol in March 2021 with his spouse and child near Hidalgo, Texas. —>READ MORE HERE

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