November 20, 2023

You know that reproductive health care crisis the left keeps crowing about?  That women’s rights are being threatened — namely the right to end any life she created?  Well, in Idaho, women are facing a genuine reproductive health care problem: woke doctors.

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After the Dobbs decision, the Idaho state Legislature made all abortions illegal, unless pregnancy threatens the woman’s life.  Now OB-GYN doctors are in open revolt against the law.  They insist that abortions must be a legal alternative, not just for the life of the woman, but for her health as well.

These devoted care providers aren’t lobbying for legislative changes, nor are they spending their weekends educating the public on the issues.  They are quitting their jobs and moving to more “enlightened” states.  According to CBS News, over 50 percent of physicians specializing in high-risk pregnancies will have left Idaho by the end of the year.

These doctors want us to trust their judgment as it pertains to women’s health, and if we refuse their demand, they won’t do anything for women’s health.  They’ll just take their ball medical bag and leave.  I’d like to know: does dumping their patients who need them the most square with their hypocritic oath — sorry, Hippocratic Oath?

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But, there’s a problem with asking us to trust their judgment.  The entire medical profession has spent years discrediting itself, and showing no willingness to hold its practitioners accountable for professional ethics.  Confidence in the industry has been in sharp decline in recent years.  Gallup now reports that almost two thirds of Americans lack confidence in our medical institutions.  Is anybody in the industry asking how that happened or what the industry should do about it?

When the entire medical industry came out in support of Obamacare, it pierced the institution’s bubble of professionalism.  We knew that the legislation was ill advised.  When doctors and hospitals supported it, we realized that their judgment was not infallible.  We started paying attention.

In more recent years, medical professionals have put their wokeness on public display.  Take the example of Dr. Bandy Lee, a Yale-affiliated psychiatrist.  After watching Donald Trump on TV, she called a group of her fellow medical professionals together to work up a mental diagnosis of The Donald.  They decided that he is dangerously mentally unstable and publicly released their diagnosis — committing two ethical violations in the process.  She said her duty to inform the public superseded her oath.  Somehow it never occurred to her that her impression of Trump may have been a bit flawed, given the one-sided coverage of the MSM.  Yet she insisted that the public should trust her judgment, even writing a book about Trump’s mental state.

Was Dr. Lee subjected to a formal ethics review, or in any way hindered from practicing?  Nope.  She was not held accountable in any meaningful way.  That was when some of us realized that the profession does not police itself.  We must scrutinize it.

We have also just experienced three years of COVID medical hysteria.  Mask up responsibly — even though masks don’t work.  Every responsible citizen must get the vaccine — that doesn’t prevent the illness.  If you don’t get the vax, you’re risking the lives of those who did.  And be sure to get a booster every six months.  It doesn’t prevent the illness, either, but it does increase Dr. Fauci’s royalty checks.  It’s all very confidence-inspiring.

While all that nonsense was going on, we were told that the vax was perfectly safe, even though they did very little testing, and most of us have some anecdote to the contrary.