November 28, 2023

Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) will be a major weapon of the Great Reset, a.k.a., Agenda 2030, the elitist plan to dominate the world. 

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They are a threat to individual sovereignty as they will allow governments to track citizens’ spending and control behavior.  By linking them to social-credit systems of the kind China has implemented, they could be used to induce conformity.  Through restrictions, penalties, programming of transactions, or turning off access outright, whole populations could be coerced into buying only what elite-controlled governments want them to.

Is there a way to resist this tyranny?  At least in America, there is, thanks to the perspicacity of our Founding Fathers, says Kevin D. Freeman in his highly readable Pirate Money: Discovering the Founders’ Hidden Plan for Economic Justice and Defeating the Great Reset.  The key, he points out, lies hidden in plain sight in Article I, Section 10, Clause 1.2 of the Constitution, which says: “No state shall…make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debt.”

Therefore, he suggests that states create their own digital currencies – tied to a gold reserve, unlike the dollar, which no longer is – to undercut the Fed’s monopoly on creating money.  Citizens could then buy and use such state-issued digital currency anonymously, forestalling centralized control and the Great Reset, and preserving their financial freedom.  For the foreboding slogan of the Great Reset is: “You will own nothing and you will be happy.”  In the name of revolutionizing the financial system and promoting inclusion, an unelected elite is effecting a global takeover, gradually working towards abolishing private property, curtailing individual freedom, and impoverishing the masses.  

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Freeman’s suggestion may seem far-fetched, but he is striving to make it a reality.  Through his efforts with the Texas legislature, bills have been introduced in the state’s House (HB4903) and Senate (SB2334) requiring the comptroller to establish a gold-backed digital currency that citizens may buy.  The Texas government would physically hold the gold in its bullion depository (authorized in TX Gov. Code Sec. 2116) on behalf of buyers, who could transact with the digital currency and redeem it in gold or cash if and when they want to.  Freeman expects some definitive legislative outcome by 2025.

His solution is essentially a melding of the old idea of coinage that was literally worth its weight in gold or silver with the digital-age idea of cryptocurrencies, alternative payment systems with built-in virtual accounting and free of government control.  Freeman – a CFA, host of BlazeTV’s Economic War Room, bestselling author of books on investment such as Secret Weapon and Game Plan – is in effect advocating a combination of prudence and convenience: the gold reserve safeguards value and the digital form allows liquidity, fungibility, and infinite divisibility.  He suggests that such gold-based currency should be non-taxable, non-collectible, and only transactable through debit card.

Since all states can create their own currencies, and citizens may freely use any of them with anonymity, these currencies will run clear of the Federal Reserve. This additional benefit of autonomy – a feature shared with cryptocurrencies – gives these state-issued currencies, and through them individual citizens, the ability to fight the elite who have coopted the UN and many governments worldwide.  Such a parallel monetary ecosystem might prove the only effective way of preserving the American idea of individual freedom.

Freeman claims the book will forever change his readers’ view of money.  Indeed, he explains things right from the origins of money in America.  Colonists, who would often run short of British coinage, were not allowed to mint their own money.  So, to carry on business, they used Spanish doubloons (of gold) and pieces of eight (of silver), the ‘pirate money’ of the title.  This continued even after America got its own currency.

For uniformity across states and to prevent debasement of the American dollar, the Founders prohibited states from minting currency.  But states were allowed to make foreign gold and silver coins legal tender.  So multiple currencies – federal, foreign, and private – remained in use till the Coinage Act of 1857.  The gold and silver pieces were halved or quartered for change as needed.  For convenience, they would be held in banks and bank receipts served as legal tender. 

The advantage in using these coins, of course, was that there was a built-in safeguard against inflation – in the value of the gold or silver.  The Founders, wary of the temptations of printing money at will, frowned upon paper currency that was not backed by gold reserves.  It wasn’t until 1971 that the dollar, pegged to gold since Breton Woods (1944) at $35 per ounce, was decoupled from gold, ushering in free-floating values for currencies worldwide.