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Because since to err is human, since everyone can be mistaken, they force us to be better. And … we are getting better than them. Since we are crushing them in the cultural battle, we are not only superior economically; we are morally superior. We are better, aesthetically superior. 

We are better than them at everything. And that triggers them. And since they can’t beat us with real arguments, they just use the repressive apparatus of the state, with loads of taxpayer money to destroy us. 

And yet, they’re still losing. They had to remove the blacklist. They had to remove the blacklist. You understand they’re losing. They’re desperate. Leftists are losing the cultural battle. For the first time ever, they are cornered.

In short, we have to be better because we are always held to a much higher standard than the left, but even in that lopsided contest in the marketplace of ideas, we are winning, and it’s driving leftists insane.  Better make that more insane, because normal people noticed a long time ago that the left has lost the plot, and we have no idea where it is going next.

The problem for the fascist far left is that its lies are becoming painfully obvious to anyone who has escaped the echo chamber that is the nation’s socialist media.

Such is the case of Javier Milei, self-identifying as an anarcho-capitalist or far-right libertarian — in favor of small government for a free society.  While leftists claim that this means he’s a “fascist” or extremeright neo-Nazi, since these collectivist ideologies favor a totalitarian central government with little freedom, it’s like the bit from Sesame Street, “One of These Things Is Not like the Others.”