Jesus' Coming Back

BARF BAG ALERT – Mayorkas: There are ’12 Million People’ in U.S. Illegally Who Contribute ‘So Fundamentally to Our Country’s Well-Being’; Secretary Mayorkas: Betraying the American People

Mayorkas: There Are ’12 Million People’ in U.S. Illegally Who Contribute ‘So Fundamentally to Our Country’s Well-Being’:

During an interview with Bloomberg TV on Monday, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas responded to a question on how to handle people who are in the country illegally by stating that there are “12 million people who are here in the United States who have been contributing so fundamentally to our country’s well-being.”

Host Romaine Bostick said that the consequences for arriving at the border irregularly won’t be a deterrent for a lot of people and don’t “address the other sort of elephant in the room, which is dealing with the undocumented immigrants who are already here in the nation. And I know it’s been a political football, as we’re trying to figure out the best way to address that, but I’m going to ask you, what is the best way to address that, from your perspective?”

Mayorkas responded, “The answer is quite clear and quite straightforward, and we’ve been waiting for it for about 30 years. And that is to fix a system that everyone agrees is fundamentally broken. And we need congressional action, both for the lawful pathways, that really need to be more robust in statute, and for the 12 million people who are here in the United States who have been contributing so fundamentally to our country’s well-being. They’re our neighbors, our friends, our fellow congregants. They provide — are frontline workers. We need to do something, and I am hopeful and remain hopeful that Congress will do it. The president, on his first day in office, presented Congress with a proposal.” —>WATCH INTERVIEW HERE

Secretary Mayorkas: Betraying the American People


Record Number of Illegal Aliens Crossing the Border

  • Secretary Mayorkas has encouraged the flow of illegal aliens over the border and has the numbers to show for it. In FY23, there were over 3.2 million encounters at our borders. From FY21-FY23, Mayorkas touts over 7.5 million encounters of illegal aliens at U.S. borders, along with at least 1.7 million “gotaways.” The increased flow over our borders has created a crisis – affecting communities, law enforcement and families across the country, and burdening Americans with higher fiscal and human costs.[1
  • In the month of September alone, CBP saw a record 341,392 encounters nationwide, with 269,735 of those encounters being at the southern border. 
  • On August 29, 2023, Border Patrol apprehended over 7,000 aliens attempting to illegally cross into the U.S., showing a trend of increased crossings on Mayorkas’ watch. Tucson’s CBP Sector alone caught over 2,200 aliens.[2]

Border Wall Deconstruction

  • Rather than continuing construction on the border wall, and protecting Americans from illegal drugs, crime, and smuggling that comes across the southern border, the Biden Administration and Secretary Mayorkas have done nothing but make empty promises to border states. 
  • In 2022, Mayorkas promised multiple heavily trafficked areas along the border, including Yuma, Arizona, that he would work to install barriers, and fix holes in Trump’s unfinished border wall. However, according to Yuma County Supervisor Jonathan Lines, it has been almost a year since that promise, and there has been little to no progress. Border states and interior states alike are reeling from the effects of illegal immigration as a result.[3
  • To make matters worse, the Biden Administration and Secretary Mayorkas have begun selling unused parts of the border wall that could be used to secure border cities like Yuma. The Administration has sold 81 lots of steel “square structural tubes” intended to be used for border wall panels, 729 hollow beams, with several more lots scheduled to be sold. The sales have brought in a little over $2 million, hardly making a dent in the cost incurred through open border policies.[4
  • Since Mayorkas took over, up to $300 million worth of border wall parts, paid for by taxpayers, have been left unused.[5]


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