December 4, 2023

Next year promises to be a wild year, given the presidential election and the stakes for both America’s ruling class and its people.

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Donald Trump represents an existential threat to the ruling class’s money, power, and influence. To many voters, though, he is the only option to right the sinking American ship.

The ruling class includes the federal government’s burgeoning administrative state, no longer serving the American people, but instead those in power. Government has morphed from Abraham Lincoln’s dream, “Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth,” to a government with a Marxist disregard for the Constitution and American citizens.

Myriad special interests are also threatened by Trump’s potential return, from corporate media, the racial/gender grievance industry, the military/financial/pharma industrial complex, and other groups gorging themselves at the taxpayer-funded all-you-can-eat buffet.

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The Koch juggernaut, representing open borders and globalist trade deals beneficial for big business, but disastrous for American workers, loathe Trump’s America First agenda so much they are spending more than $70 million on Nikki Haley’s campaign, and throwing Ron DeSantis under the bus, to keep U.S. industries flush with low-wage imported labor.

Big business first, America last. Great for the Koch set and their fellow travelers, but not so for Joe the plumber or electrician. What a system we have. George Soros and Charles Koch both purchase American elected officials. Why bother with elections?

Media magpies are soiling their pants over Trump returning to power and securing our borders, deporting those here illegally, and punishing those guilty of true subversion and insurrection against the government.

Administrative state mouthpiece Politico fearmongers another Trump presidency, “Collecting the ingredients and refining the recipe for an authoritarian regime should he win the 2024 presidential election.”

They miss the obvious irony that such an “authoritarian regime” is already in place, thanks to Barack Obama and his third-term puppet, Joe Biden.

Screenshot The Last Refuge / by permission

Even the Republican Party is fighting Trump, as they have been since he rode down the Trump Tower escalator in June 2015. But the GOP is no longer a grand party, it’s instead a bunch of petty sore losers realizing that Trump is far more popular than they will ever be.