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Judge Orders New Louisiana Sheriff Election After Voter Fraud Contaminates The Results

Since the chaotic and irregular 2020 election, Democrats and their hack-tastic legacy media allies have felt the compulsive need to claim U.S. elections are immune from error or illegalities. Anyone who dares to raise questions about the hundreds of millions of “Zuckbucks” poured into local election offices, Big Tech censorship, unlawful changing of election laws, or illegal use of ballot drop boxes in states like Wisconsin — all to the benefit of Democrats — is immediately labeled as an “election denier.”

So, it should come as no surprise that regime-approved “journalists” are largely ignoring a bombshell story out of Louisiana, where a judge just ordered a new election in a local race for sheriff after it was discovered there was enough voter fraud to call into question the outcome. According to Newsweek, the case centers on the Nov. 18 race for Caddo Parish sheriff, in which initial results indicated that Democrat Henry Whitehorn defeated Republican John Nickelson by one vote.

The closeness of the race prompted a recount that discovered “three additional votes for each candidate” and resulted in Whitehorn being declared the victor. Nickelson subsequently filed a lawsuit contesting the election in response, arguing, as Newsweek summarized, that “the count was done too quickly and could not be accurate.”

In his Tuesday decision, Ad hoc Judge Joe Bleich determined there were extensive irregularities meriting a new election, including “two people [who] voted twice, five mail-in ballots [that] should not have been counted for failure to comply with the law, and … four invalid votes by interdicted persons who were unqualified voters.”

“This runoff election involved a one-vote margin. It was proven beyond any doubt that there were at least 11 illegal votes cast and counted. It is legally impossible to know what the true vote should have been,” Bleich wrote.

Bleich further ordered that a new runoff election be held next year, with the earliest possible date being March 23. That date could be subject to change, however, as Whitehorn has appealed the decision to the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeal. The case could ultimately make its way to the Louisiana Supreme Court.

But Caddo Parish’s sheriff election is hardly the only instance of illegalities documented in U.S. elections in recent months. Earlier this year, for instance, a Connecticut superior court ordered a new mayoral primary election in Bridgeport after it was determined there was enough fraud involving absentee ballots to warrant a new contest. While initial results showed incumbent Mayor Joe Ganim beating challenger John Gomes by 251 votes, surveillance footage released after the election showed what appeared to be a city employee affiliated with Ganim’s campaign “stuffing ballot boxes.”

Gomes initially led Ganim among votes cast in person. It wasn’t until after the absentee ballots were counted that Ganim eclipsed his challenger.

In determining there was enough evidence to call into question the election’s legitimacy, the judge presiding over the case overturned the election, ruling that another Democrat primary and subsequent general contest would be held if Ganim won the originally scheduled general on Nov. 7. With Ganim having been declared the winner of that election, a new Democrat primary has been set for Jan. 23.

Shawn Fleetwood is a staff writer for The Federalist and a graduate of the University of Mary Washington. He previously served as a state content writer for Convention of States Action and his work has been featured in numerous outlets, including RealClearPolitics, RealClearHealth, and Conservative Review. Follow him on Twitter @ShawnFleetwood

The Federalist

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