Jesus' Coming Back

Joining the Global Movement to Light a Visible Candle for 8 Specific Prayers for Israel this Hanukkah

Join the worldwide movement to pray specifically over Israel this Hanukkah through these eight prayers provided by Jonathan Feldstein and the Genesis123 Foundation.

Lighting candles during Hanukkah symbolizes the miracle of oil lasting for eight days…and it also reminds us to thank God, not only for His past miracles but for the miracles He is still bringing to fruition in our lives today. Please consider lighting a candle in a visible place, as a symbol of support for Israel in this desperate time, but also to thank God for the miracles in our own lives, both past, present, and future. Forever, He is the God of miracles. 

“You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the people.” – Psalm 77:14 NIV

Eight Prayer Points for Israel

  1. Pray for ALL the hostages to be released and come home to their loved ones safely and right away.
  2. Pray for the families of the hostages that they continue to remain strong physically, emotionally, and in their faith.
  3. Pray for the families and loved ones of more than 1200 people who were massacred by Hamas terrorists on October 7th that they should find strength despite their loss and derive comfort from the love and support of Christians and Jews around the world.
  4. Pray for the full and speedy physical and emotional recovery of thousands of Israelis who have been injured physically and scarred emotionally since October 7th.
  5. Pray for the hundreds of thousands of Israelis who have been uprooted from their communities that have been destroyed and must be rebuilt and those who have been evacuated from border areas because of the threat of war and terror literally in their back yard.
  6. Pray for the safety and success of the IDF, that collectively and individually, they will have divine protection to defend Israel with the morals and courage that are needed.
  7. Pray that millions of Christians around the world will lend their voices by signing the petition to free ALL the hostages and encourage Israel to resist international pressure at this time in any way that will put Israel at greater risk.
  8. Pray that God will change the hearts of evil Islamic terrorists of Hamas, Hezbollah, and Islamic Jihad on Israel’s borders, and the source of the evil from the Islamic regime in Iran, and pray for Palestinian Arabs that they will have a change of heart, that they will no longer support terrorism, and that they a new generation of leaders will be raised up who will put the well-being of the Palestinian people above hatred of Israel.

Photo Courtesy: ©GettyImages/FamVeld


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