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Hunter Indictment Designed Specifically to Avoid Joe Biden; Hunter Biden Once Again Dodges Foreign Agent Charge in New Indictment; This is the Case Feds Should Have Brought Against Hunter Biden in the First Place

Hunter indictment designed specifically to avoid Joe Biden:

The 56-page indictment of Hunter Biden for tax evasion makes for racy reading, with the special counsel describing a four-year criminal pattern directed at maintaining Biden’s “extravagant lifestyle.”

That lifestyle included massive expenses for strippers, sex clubs, fast cars and other distractions.

The steps taken by Hunter to evade taxes are impressive, but not nearly as impressive as the efforts of the Justice Department to evade any direct implications for his father, President Biden.

In that sense, the indictment itself is a marvel of evasion.

There are three glaring omissions in the indictment that tend to shield critical payments and conduct that implicate the president.

The Burisma-Ukrainian money

First, the special counsel only indicts tax evasion that occurred in recent years.

That’s because the long “investigation” into Hunter inexplicably allowed the statute of limitations to expire on the most controversial payments from Ukraine gas company Burisma.

Recent testimony from IRS whistleblowers suggests that wasn’t an accident. Investigators were stonewalled, they claimed, and the Justice Department was previously moving to reject any charges against Hunter Biden.

Exploring those earlier Ukrainian payments opens up questions about Hunter’s influence peddling and would have highlighted the conflict in his father’s extraordinary move to force the Ukrainians to fire a prosecutor investigating Burisma by holding back a billion dollars in aid for the country. —>READ MORE HERE

Hunter Biden once again dodges foreign agent charge in new indictment:

First son Hunter Biden was indicted Thursday on nine federal tax fraud charges, but critics of the long-running investigation into the political scion were quick to note that he still doesn’t face charges for allegedly violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) — which could implicate his father, President Biden.

Special counsel David Weiss said in a statement his investigation remains “ongoing,” leaving open possible additional charges, but Republican members of Congress slammed the omission.

“Unless US Attorney Weiss investigates everyone involved in the Bidens’ fraud schemes and influence peddling, it will be clear President Biden’s DOJ is protecting Hunter Biden and the big guy,” House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) said in a statement late Thursday.

“Hunter Biden’s corporate entities implicated by today’s indictments funneled foreign cash that landed in Joe Biden’s bank account,” Comer added.

In FARA cases, prosecutors allege that a defendant operated on behalf of a foreign principal — which can include governments, political organizations or individuals seeking to influence US officials — without complying with registration and disclosure requirements.

FARA cases generally must be filed within five years of an offense, meaning many of Hunter’s best-known actions linking foreign associates to his then-vice president father may not be prosecutable.

Hunter, however, served on the board of Ukrainian gas company Burisma from 2014 until 2019 — earning $1 million per year while his dad led US policy toward Ukraine and half that amount beginning in March 2017, after Joe Biden’s vice presidency ended — and held a 10% stake in Chinese state-backed investment fund BHR Partners from 2013 through at least part of 2021, giving prosecutors potential avenues to seek FARA charges.

In the latest indictment, Hunter, 53, faces three felony and six misdemeanor counts over alleged evasion of $1.4 million in taxes during a four-year period from 2016 to 2019.

The case, which carries a maximum of 17 years in prison for Hunter if he is convicted, is being brought by Weiss in Los Angeles. —>READ MORE HERE


+++++This is the case feds should have brought against Hunter Biden in the first place+++++

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