Jesus' Coming Back

Jen Psaki: Donald Trump Is ‘Echoing Hitler’

MSNBC anchor Jen Psaki said Thursday on “Deadline” that former President Donald Trump was “echoing” Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler.

After former Trump administration DHS official Miles Taylor said America is “zombie-walking towards” tyranny, Psaki said, “I mean we are zombie-walking as Donald Trump is also echoing Hitler. He is screaming, I want to be authoritarian dictator and people are still zombie-walking. That is a great term.”

Discussing a second Trump term, Psaki asked, “What damage he can do within government?”

Taylor said, “What would happen in a second term? One of biggest concerns on the national security side I think Americans still don’t understand the full extent of the president’s powers and things Donald Trump could do bubble wrapped in legalese damaging to the republic. One of those I’ve noted, something in the White House called the doomsday book.”

He added, “That that book, supposed to be used to protect the country in instances of armed foreign invasion or rebellion, it’s the president’s most extraordinary powers could be picked up by Trump and used for domestic political purposes. He could invoke powers we’ve never heard a president of the United States invoke potentially to shut down companies, turn off the internet, deploy the U.S. military on U.S. soil. We don’t know, because the things that are in there, the emergency powers of the president aren’t widely known to the American people. So that’s a big worry for people like me.”

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