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Migrants from Around the World Converge On Remote Arizona Desert, Fueling Humanitarian Crisis at the Border; Arizona Desert Now a Hotspot For Entering Illegals; Migrants Camp for Days at Arizona’s Organ Pipe National Monument

Migrants from around the world converge on remote Arizona desert, fueling humanitarian crisis at the border:

Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Arizona — A remote desert region along the southern border has become a makeshift international arrivals area for thousands of migrants from Africa, Asia and Latin America hoping to work and reunite with family members in the U.S.

Over the past few days, large groups of migrant men, women and some families with children have spent the night in a makeshift staging ground in this rugged section of the U.S.-Mexico border, waiting for overtaxed border officials to process them. Many expect to be released into the U.S. after being vetted by local Border Patrol agents, who lack the resources and manpower to screen everyone in a timely manner.

Most of the migrant men hailed from African countries, including Guinea, Mauritania, Morocco and Senegal, as well as some nations in Asia like Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Syria. Some men had left their hometowns in Ecuador and other parts of Latin America. The families traveling with children were predominantly Mexican and Central American.

The migrants set up fires at night and in the early morning hours to keep warm amid dropping temperatures. Many of them brought blankets to sleep next to the border wall. Without restrooms, they relieved themselves near the cacti that adorn the picturesque landscape of this national monument, located two hours away from the closest U.S. city.

The wait to be processed was so long in recent days that Mexican families and merchants traveled regularly to the staging ground to sell drinks and food, hoping to convince the desperate newcomers to buy their burritos, tamales and cups of coffee from the other side of the border wall.

Daniela Segura Salgado, 31, spent the night near the border wall with her four young children: a 1-year-old baby, her 3- and 9-year-old girls and an 11-year-old boy. The Mexican mother shivered as she carried her youngest, who was covered by blankets. —>READ MORE HERE

Arizona Desert Now a Hotspot For Entering Illegals:

Organ Pipe National Monument is a remote, dusty strip of nothing located in nowhere Arizona. But lately, it’s become a go-to destination for illegal aliens as smugglers are playing the border patrol like a fiddle.

All it takes is for smugglers to dump off a couple of hundred illegals and sooner rather than later, border officials will show up to “process” the illegals.

“Process” is an exaggeration. A vetting procedure that takes a few minutes and then handing the illegal a slip of paper with a court date on it is not “processing” immigrants and it’s an insult to suggest it.

Soon, there are thousands of illegals waiting to get their little slip of paper with a court date on it before making their way to the interior of the country. There are no facilities. People relieve themselves behind cacti that grow in the desert. There’s no food or water, although enterprising Mexicans cross the border every day bringing fresh water and tamales for those waiting to be processed.

“I’ve been working in this sector of the border for almost 20 years, and we’ve never seen anything like this,” said Dan Abbott, a local volunteer with the group Humane Borders, which distributes water and food inside the Organ Pipe National Monument,

Another factor that makes this particular migration to America unique is that many new arrivals are from countries other than Mexico and Central America. CBS News reports that “men hailed from African countries, including Guinea, Mauritania, Morocco and Senegal, as well as some nations in Asia like Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Syria.” —>READ MORE HERE

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+++++Exclusive Photos: Migrants Camp for Days at Arizona’s Organ Pipe National Monument+++++

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