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Bidenomics: Food Banks Fight to Meet Demand as 1 in 7 People Struggles with Food Insecurity; Bidenomics Forcing Third of Americans to Punch Overtime Clock to Fund Holidays, Survey Shows

Bidenomics: Food Banks Fight to Meet Demand as 1 in 7 People Struggles with Food Insecurity:

Food banks say high costs are making life worse for Americans already facing food insecurity.

According to the federal Department of Agriculture’s Household Food Insecurity Report, in 2022, 12.8 percent of Americans were classified as “food insecure,” which means that they are not starving, but not certain they can have three meals a day every day.

The report noted that food insecurity rose from 10.2 percent in 2021, amounting to an increase of 3.5 million households.

HUNGER BLAME: Bidenomics Causing Food Insecurity Explosion, 10 Million Hungry Under Joe

— 🇺🇸 ERIC BOLLING 🇺🇸 (@ericbolling) October 27, 2023

Jen Muzia with the Ballard Food Bank in Seattle, Washington, told Fox News in a report published Friday that it’s getting harder to meet needs.

“It’s not only our guests that come in to shop, we’re also seeing it on us as we go to buy food. It’s costing us way more to buy food,” Muzia said, according to Fox.

Demand during the Biden presidency is far above what it was under former President Donald Trump.

“For us, we are seeing more than double what we saw pre-pandemic,” Muzia said.

Brian Greene, president of the Houston Food Bank, told Fox that inflation has hit hard.

“Food inflation is only running about 3 percent now, but rent inflation is over 7 percent,” he said.

“And for low-income or working families, rent can account for about 50 percent or more of their income. So, as those costs are continuing to go up, the money just isn’t going as far, and food tends to be a flexible expense,” Greene said.—>READ MORE HERE

Bidenomics Forcing Third of Americans to Punch Overtime Clock to Fund Holidays, Survey Shows:

A majority of Americans are telling poll takers that Bidenomics is causing them to make major changes in their spending habits for the holidays this year, and that they will be unable to spend as much as in years past. Many say they are putting in extra hours just to be able to afford the costs.

The news comes from Empower’s 2023 holiday spending report, according to Fox Business Network.

The report, taken among 1,003 Americans and split across four generations, found that 74 percent say that Bidenflation is causing serious problems for them this year, and 31 percent say they are having to work overtime to bring in enough cash to afford their holiday purchases.

The financial services company’s survey also found that 46 percent are skipping travel and using that money for holiday spending, while three in ten are cutting back on holiday traditions to save money.

“The survey shows that over a third (34%) are trimming their budgets in favor of saving this year, while others are cutting back on buying gifts or non-essential expenses like dining out to stay on track,” Empower spokesman Courtney Burrell told FBN.

“How you allocate your holiday budget will depend on what’s most important to you — this year, you may prioritize travel to visit family that you typically only see during the holidays over decorations or cut back on social commitments in order to give yourself a larger budget for holiday gifts,” Burrell added.

Thirty-seven percent said that they plan to spend no more than $250 on gifts, while only ten percent said they are budgeting $1,000 for gift giving. —>READ MORE HERE

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