Jesus' Coming Back

Rachel Ramsey-Cruze Shares Financial Wisdom for a Debt-Free Christmas in Exclusive Interview with Christian Headlines

Rachel Ramsey Cruze is in the Christmas spirit and ready to celebrate the Birth of Christ. However, Cruze, the daughter of financial guru Dave Ramsey, like her dad, wants people to be wise with the resources God has given them. As our country gets ready to celebrate Christmas, Cruze has some words of wisdom to offer anyone who will listen: the most important gift we can give our loved ones is not going into debt buying Christmas gifts. According to recent surveys, twenty-five percent of Americans still pay for last year’s Christmas gifts. Cruze offers wisdom on spending wisely in an exclusive sit-down interview with Christian Headlines. 

Rachel: Two things come to mind—one a gift, and the other a tradition. We got a puppy for Christmas one year, which was so sweet. Growing up, every year, we went to my grandparents’ house in East Tennessee the day after Christmas, where thirteen of my first cousins would gather and have fun. 

CH: We’re in a tough season in this country; what do you see going on financially in our country? 

Rachel: I’m seeing today that credit card debt is the highest it’s been. Inflation, as you know, has hit record numbers of people. Mortgage rates are high, so people are struggling to buy a house. On the other hand, spending is up, which relates to credit card debt. We went on a trip in October, and the airport was slammed. So, it’s a little bit of this bizarre world that we’re living in on one end. The statistics show the American financial struggle. But some people are acting like everything’s fine, so that disconnect really does scare me for some people. They’re continuing to live like everything’s fine, but we’re seeing it’s not.

CH: Why do you think it’s not fine? 

Rachel: Things cost more, but people are maintaining the same lifestyle they had two and three years ago. People will have to adjust to the new reality and not dig themselves into a deep hole of debt. I want people to enjoy Christmas but to wake up and be wise. 

CH: How can people live this reality during the Christmas season? 

Rachel: It sounds simple in one sense, but it can be very difficult. You have to look at your numbers and live in reality. When you look at your numbers, you have to be able to see what you can live with, and if you are living above your means to continue a lifestyle, you can’t afford to go into debt. If you are, something has to change. The goal is to live below your means. Numbers don’t have feelings. They are what they are. You have to wake up to the reality of your financial numbers. I’m just nervous that people aren’t and continue to live beyond their means. 

CH: Has it gotten harder to do your job during this season? 

Rachel: Gosh, that’s a good question. In our world today, there are conveniences when it comes to money, whether it’s Apple Pay or how you like to spend money. Things are advancing, and it’s working to our benefit. I think we’re forming habits and creating patterns that can be dangerous if we’re not cautious and aware. I don’t think we are aware. So yes, part of me pushes against the grain every day. There has been pushback regarding what I’m saying. However, people who come to us have reached a point where they no longer want to live a life of debt. That’s an important ‘I’ve had enough’ moment. 

CH: What advice do you give to people who want to give money and resources to someone in need? 

Rachel:  We want people to tithe, and we talk about that at Ramsey Solutions. In spontaneous moments, be as discerning as possible. Do your due diligence financially before you give. 

CH: You’ve written a new Children’s book? 

Rachel: It came out in November. It’s called ‘I’m Glad for What I Have,’ and my first children’s book. I enjoyed doing it; the book teaches kids about what to do with what God has given them. It’s full of rhymes and animals and things that kids love.


Photo Courtesy: Ramsey Solutions

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