December 27, 2023

Lest we forget in the New Year, below are on-record tidbits reminding us where Joe Biden finds his staunchest Washington support, from a bipartisan cast of characters.

Lindsey Graham, RINO:

Lindsey Graham is well known, since his John McCain days, for being a man of sudden (often militaristic) passions and frequent political reversals/betrayals. Regarding Biden, Graham has remained true to his reputation, referring to the bumbling octogenarian as the “best person” to lead America; from a Guardian article:

People will calm down. People will say, ‘I don’t want to be associated with that [MAGA].’ This is a group within a group. What this does, there will be a rallying effect for a while, [then] the country says ‘We’re better than this.’’

Asked if Biden could help the country come together again, Graham said: ‘Totally.’ ‘He’ll maybe be the best person to have. I mean, how mad can you get at Joe Biden?’

As Huffington Post reported:

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) gushes in a new Republican ad that former Vice President Joe Biden is ‘as good a man as God ever created’ — while President Donald Trump is a ‘xenophobic, race-baiting, religious bigot.’

What a difference an administration makes. The comments were pulled from Graham’s past, ‘before he lost his conscience’ and became one of the president’s staunchest defenders, noted a statement from the Republican Voters Against Trump.

More recently, Graham has pulled out all the stops in his admiration for Biden’s cowardice, praising the old man failure to stand in word and deed with America’s staunchest ally, Israel, in the latter’s war for survival; in his side remarks, he’s ignored a bevy of factual incrimination about the Biden corruption scandal:

[W]hen asked about GOP efforts in the House to impeach Biden, Graham showed little appetite for the inquiry that lawmakers authorized last week.

‘If there were a smoking gun, I think we’d be talking about it,’ Graham said of Biden’s conduct.

‘I’m not worried about impeaching the president right now,’ Graham continued. ‘You know what I’m worried about? Helping the president bring the Mideast to a better spot; trying to convince the Arabs and the Israelis to not let Iran get you off track.’

Mitt Romney, RINO:

For those of us who remember Mitt Romney’s sycophantic luncheon attempts to get into President Trump’s cabinet—and the senator’s subsequent forever-venom when Trump said “no”—we know this isn’t “news,” but it’s still worth recalling.

The following is exemplar of Romney’s past political relations moves:

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) wrote for The Atlantic Monday that President Joe Biden ‘is a genuinely good man,’ but doesn’t see him as a great unifier for the country.

The “genuinely good man” stuff is either huge moral misjudgment or self-serving “untruth” (see Ukraine and Romney family). But, yes, by 2023, we can emphatically declare that Biden has not been a “great unifier”—the Big Guy finds himself with only 30% public approval.

What he said: Biden ‘has yet been unable to break through our national malady of denial, deceit, and distrust,’ Romney wrote.

No, Mr. Biden has certainly not been able to “break through” on denial, deceit, and distrust. Au contraire—he has grown these evils exponentially.

Romney criticized Biden and former President Donald Trump as the Utah Republican explained what he’d like to see in a future presidential candidate.

  • Trump, he said, ‘would feed the sickness, probably rendering it incurable.’

  • ‘Several contenders with experience and smarts stand in the wings; we intently watch to see if they also possess the requisite character and ability to bring the nation together in confronting our common reality,’ he added.

One wonders if humble Romney, with the help of a tricky copywriter, is advancing himself again, as “the contender with experience and smarts, in the wings.” Recent press reports an interest in a ticket with Senator Manchin.

Dr. Jill Biden, Emeritus:

Dr. Biden, as she seeks to be known, is the First Lady and wife of Biden Family Enterprises. Jill has tied herself fast to the mast of the Ship of Fools, the Biden family conveyance of choice. Fore-eva or concurrently, Jill has insisted, despite audio and visual evidence to the contrary, not only upon her husband’s physical strength and mental acuity, but also upon his vast presidential successes. Last month the Biden matriarch visited Pennsylvania to stump for Bidenomics; from a local outlet:

Biden spoke about … apprenticeship programs, establishing career pathways into robotics, cybersecurity, and advanced manufacturing, and of regional plans to generate more than 1,000 new jobs.

She praised the Pittsburgh region for embracing manufacturing and clean energy and highlighted the progress made since the Biden administration’s workforce hub initiative began.

‘In many ways Pittsburgh has always been a part of this transformation,’ Biden said. ‘Where iron ore turns to steel and steel to prosperity. And today you’re still transforming, turning old steel mills into a training center for the jobs of the future,’ she said, referring to the 60,000-square-foot engineering and science lab CMU students had access to there on the 265,000-square-foot Mill 19 complex.

Ain’t Joe grand? No more nasty defense or energy manufacturing, but lots of “green” education and training for, can you believe it… 1,000 new jobs? (Did AI replace the lost human jobs?)

Yet here, for Nurse Jill’s consideration, are the number of jobs that have been lost in Pennsylvania, thanks to her husband’s “green” work and Bidenomics.

Chuck Schumer, Your Tax Dollars “Cash Out” Man:

Chuck Schumer on Hamas, Israel, and Biden:

‘I’ve known President Biden since he was Senator Biden and Vice President Biden, and now President Biden. His support for Israel comes from the heart. He’s a believer and that is so good. And I know he will deliver a strong message of support and solidarity when he comes before the Jewish people.’

Yet, Biden’s “heart” is as conflicted about Israel as it is on the tenets of his own Catholic “faith.” Here’s this, from CNN:

Rifts between the United States and Israel spilled into public view Tuesday as President Joe Biden warned that Israel was losing international support for its campaign against Hamas and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly rejected American plans for post-war Gaza.

The divides, which until now had mostly been contained behind the scenes, reflected growing differences between the two staunch allies as the civilian death toll in Gaza mounts.

Speaking to Democratic donors in Washington, Biden voiced criticism of Israel’s hardline government and said Netanyahu needed to alter his approach.

Present his serial failures in every bespoke foreign policy action (Afghanistan, China, Iraq, Venezuela), it is a wonder that Biden now wants to take charge—in his own mind at least—of a venerable, regionally unique democracy and a strong and necessary U.S. ally. Biden is gaming Israel’s safeguarded, national strategic and intelligence decisions for its own historically tenuous, national, and religious survival. Why?

As the Left gears up for its mystery power-candidate for the 2024 U.S. presidential “vote,” welcome to the Ship of Fools, 2024.

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