Carville on Fetterman: ‘Gnats Do Not Fool with Cottonmouths’

Democratic consultant and political commentator James Carville said Wednesday on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360” that Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) was a “gnat” for criticizing him.
Guest host John Berman said, “Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman did an interview with Politico, where he talked about you. He said that you need to shut the blank up. And what he’s talking about is you’ve been warning Democrats about President Biden’s chances for re-election. Fetterman went on to say, I don’t know why he, you, believes it’s helpful to say these kinds of things about an incredibly difficult circumstance with an incredibly strong and decent and excellent president. I think he also went on to question how relevant you’ve been since Grunge. Those were his exact words there. What’s your reaction to Senator Fetterman?”
Carville said, “I think the guy is just trying to be relevant. I mean, Josh Shapiro drug him across the finish line. I don’t take much offense to it.”
He added, “I would remind him the law of the swamp is that gnats do not fool with cottonmouths but he wants to get on TV by saying something about me. He ought to talk to all his Democrats that asked me to come in and campaign and send out fundraising appeals, I’ll be glad to, please have his staff call me. He can send out fundraising appeals instead of me and see how well he does.”
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