December 29, 2023

President [from 1857-1861] Buchanan would not confront the evil of slavery. … [He] sat in the Executive Mansion doing nothing [leading to the Civil War].

President Biden’s mandate is to solve difficult problems like illegal immigration and racial animus [but] has made [them] far worse, just as Buchanan did with the slave issue.

[The Biden] administration says there is no crisis at the border and in [Biden’s] clouded mind, there isn’t.  Like Buchanan, Biden … will not even try … to confront the problem.

Buchanan was a dangerous incompetent whose apathy led to massive death and destruction.

So is President Biden.

Bill O’Reilly, The Two Worst Presidents, April 23, 2023

Joe Biden’s poll numbers are now in the toilet (36% approve and 54% disapprove). 

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His DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has been insulting the American people by lying under oath to Congress and the American people for years that the border is secure even as Americans can see the people and drugs streaming across the border on their television screens. But since he is a Democrat, there will be no charges.

Even Biden’s protectors at CNN and NBC have now been forced to admit that the southern border is a mess, and that there were record number of deaths (853) at the southern border in 2022, placing an immense cost on the American people.

The Biden’s administration’s agents in social media censored his political opponents before the 2020 election, including censoring the true Hunter Biden laptop story.  The Biden administration has still been working with social media to censor Americans after the election. 

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Biden was sold as the most experienced foreign policy candidate ever [laugh track here] but has presided over the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal in which 13 U.S. military personnel were needlessly blown to bits, hundreds more injured, and hundreds of Afghans killed, some of them even falling from airplanes as they tried desperately to escape from Afghanistan. 

It was under the great foreign policy expert Biden’s watch that the bloody wars in Ukraine and in Israel erupted, while Venezuela is threating to invade its tiny neighboring country of Guyana, while, by contrast, the allegedly inexperienced Trump (Putin’s puppet according to Democrat partisans and buffoonish comedians), was the only one of the last four presidents on whose watch Putin did not invade one of its neighboring countries.  Biden has insulted the American people by claiming that his Afghanistan withdrawal was an “extraordinary success,” a view not shared by the families of all the people needlessly killed and injured that day. 

Biden saw his inflation rate rise to a 40 year high of 10% in April of 2022 and the current inflation rate is 3.1%, more than double what it was (1.4%) at the end of the Trump administration.  Biden passed the enormously expensive “Inflation Reduction Act” but now must admit that it failed to reduce inflation, perhaps because, as John Kerry admits, it was really about his climate obsession and had little to do with inflation. 

Biden’s Secretary of State Blinken was humiliated by China on American soil and made no response to his Chinese masters. 

Violent crime is exploding all across the U.S. and massive business destroying shoplifting is taking place in “blue” (Democrat) cities like San Francisco across the country while Biden’s occasional vice president, Kamala Harris, has in the past called to defund the police. (How about we start with Kamala’s security detail first?) 

While calling Trump an authoritarian dictator, and while numerous distinguished liberal legal scholars like Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley and (other experts) again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again point out massive legal problems with the Trump prosecutions, Biden’s “Justice” Department is attempting to imprison Biden’s chief Republican political rival before the 2024 election.  Biden promised his administration would be the “most open and transparent in history” but his mechanical White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, regularly insults the intelligence of the American people by refusing to answer questions, as apparently the peasants do not deserve answers.