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Open Borders Leads to Massive Surge in Baby Syphilis: CDC Blames Racism for Record Number of Cases in Border States; Public Health Alerts Issued About Communicable Disease Spread Tied to Migrant Crisis

Open Borders Leads to Massive Surge in Baby Syphilis:

CDC blames racism for record number of cases in border states.

Last month the CDC revealed that the number of babies born with syphilis had increased tenfold. The Centers for Disease Control blamed this on racism and inequity.

But the real issue isn’t racism even though the syphilis epidemic does affect minorities far more than white people. The number of babies born with ‘congenital syphilis’ did not rise from 365 in 1986, 529 in 2000 to 2,855 in 2021 because America was more racist in 2021 than in 1986.

In 2022, congenital syphilis shot up further to 3,700 resulting in 51 deaths and 231 stillbirths. Was America ten times more racist in 2022 than it had been in the eighties?

The federal health bureaucracy has put its top people on this medical mystery, dispatching Admiral Rick ‘Rachel’ Levine, a man whose claims to really be a woman rewarded him with an admiralship and a top health position in the Biden administration, to Georgia to promote a “sex positive harm reduction framework” and “LGBTQI+ health concerns”. What those concerns had to do with babies being born with syphilis to presumably heterosexual mothers was not addressed, but equity, if not the babies, were serviced by the transgender fake admiral.

In the 90s, the CDC unveiled a “National Plan to Eliminate Syphilis from the United States”. During the Obama administration the plan was finally abandoned far short of its original goal of reducing “cases to 1,000” and increasing “the number of syphilis-free counties to 90% by 2005.”

70% of the population now lives in counties with high syphilis rates. Not only have we not defeated syphilis, but the country is seeing the highest rates in 80 years.

It’s another triumph for the Biden administration which saw syphilis cases rise 26% in its first year. It’s a long way from the 90s when the CDC could optimistically argue that eliminating it was possible because “nationally, it is at the lowest rate ever recorded and it is confined to a very limited number of geographic areas.” It’s an accomplishment worse than Bidenomics.

What possible phenomenon could account for a massive increase in such a short time?

The number of syphilis cases doubled in Texas in five years. They’re up by 4,000 in just one year. What possible phenomenon in a border state might have caused such a drastic increase in so few years? Was it a sudden massive rise in racism or a massively open border?

In 2022, Texas reported 950 congenital syphilis cases accounting for nearly half the total in the entire country.

Arizona had the nation’s highest rate where the number of babies born with syphilis shot up from 17 in 2016 to 219 in 2022.

New Mexico had a 660% increase in congenital syphilis, for the second highest rate in the country for both syphilis and congenital syphilis, with 76 cases in 2022. —>READ MORE HERE

Public health alerts issued about communicable disease spread tied to migrant crisis:

Federal, state and city health departments have issued public health alerts about increases of communicable diseases as illegal border crossers arrive in their communities.

Earlier this year, the New York City Health Commissioner instructed New York health-care providers to undergo several precautions and tests in light of “an alarming trend” of diseases spreading among illegal foreign nationals in New York City who arrived from the southern border. Dr. Ashwin Vasan expressed alarm about those arriving who hadn’t been vaccinated for polio or chickenpox and were coming from countries with high rates of infectious tuberculosis.

“Many people who recently arrived in NYC have lived in or traveled through countries with high rates of TB,” he wrote in an April 11 letter to physicians and health care providers.

The CDC also issued an alert around the same time, saying, “For the second year in a row, TB disease cases in the U.S. have continued to rise, with concerning increases among young children and other groups at increased risk for TB disease.” Cases presenting in children aged 4 and under was “particularly concerning because they usually result from recent transmission versus reactivation of long-standing latent TB infection,” it said.

The Chicago Department of Public Health recently issued a public health alert about an increase in chickenpox (varicella) cases, “especially in the last four weeks.”

“Most cases have been in people newly arrived from the U.S. southern border living in shelters,” accounting for 81% of the new cases, the alert said; 90% involved unvaccinated individuals.

CDPH Commissioner Dr. Simbo Ige said those arriving and spreading the disease are from countries where administering chickenpox vaccines “isn’t routine.” —>READ MORE HERE

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