Clyburn: Hunter Hearings Will Show Joe Didn’t ‘Let Any Office’ ‘Get in the Way of Being a Good Father’

On Wednesday’s edition of NBC’s “Meet the Press Now,” Biden 2024 Campaign Co-Chair Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) stated that the hearings around Hunter Biden will only “demonstrate what a good father Joe Biden is.” And stated that “I’m not going to let any office I hold get in the way of being a good father. And I think that’s what Joe Biden is doing here and I do believe that any public testimony will reveal that.”
Clyburn said, “I think he’s a distraction, but I don’t think it’s a liability. I think that all this is going to do is demonstrate what a good father Joe Biden is. We all — maybe not all — but I have children. And I’m concerned about them and I want to be a good father to them and I’m not going to let any office I hold get in the way of being a good father. And I think that’s what Joe Biden is doing here and I do believe that any public testimony will reveal that. In private, they come out and say what they want to say. They come out and paint what picture they want to paint. What do they have to hide? Do it in public.”
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