January 16, 2024

When newly announced candidate Donald Trump rode down the escalator at Trump Tower in June 2015, he famously promised to, “Build the wall and make Mexico pay for it.”

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He certainly tried to build a wall on our southern border but unfortunately was thwarted by then House Speaker Paul Ryan and congressional Never-Trump Republicans who blocked funding for the wall. Ironically many of these same Republicans are happy spending hundreds of billions of dollars securing Ukraine’s, Israel’s, and other countries borders but not our own.

When President Biden assumed office, he stopped border wall construction, paused deportations, and basically opened our southern border to anyone from anywhere in the world regardless of their background, health status, financial resources, criminality, and intentions toward America.

We are adding a migrant population to America the size of Los Angeles each and every year, most of whom do not speak English, are illiterate, unemployable, and dependent on the government and thereby taxpayers for food, shelter, education, travel, health care, and clothing.

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It has become obvious that this is an invasion.

Even Elon Musk accurately noted, “At this point there is no question that this administration is actively facilitating illegal immigration.”

Trump is certainly speaking out. “Now we have wars in Ukraine, Israel, and Yemen, but no ‘war’ on our Southern Border. Oh, that makes a lot of sense. Crooked Joe Biden is the worst President in the history of the United States!”

YouTube screen grab

He should go further and give the following speech at one of his huge rallies or at the summer nominating convention.

Here’s my speech suggestion:

My fellow Americans, the majority of you believe that our current immigration system is way beyond broken and that in fact our open southern border is an invasion of America.

Excluding the days of COVID, we now have one of the lowest labor participation rates in decades meaning that many of you who want to or need to work are unable to. Illegal migrants working under the table are undercutting the wages and job prospects for many lower income and middle class Americans.

When I am back in the White House America, will only welcome foreigners who will contribute to American society, helping to making America great again. They must have the necessary financial resources to support themselves and their families. They will not be admitted to the U.S. if they are detrimental to our economic or national interests.

Criminals will not be allowed to migrate to the U.S. Any migrants who were not good citizens or who broke laws in their home country will not be admitted into America. They must also be physically and mentally healthy before entering our country.

A national registry will keep track of all migrants, with foreign tourists and immigrants assigned a unique tracking number similar to our social security numbers. Foreigners with false immigration documents will be fined or imprisoned, as will any foreigner falsifying their signature on a government document.

Any foreigner who is deported and re-enters the U.S. without authorization may be imprisoned for up to 10 years. Foreigners working in the U.S. without a proper work permit can also be imprisoned. Transportation companies bringing undocumented foreigners into the U.S. will be fined.

Non-U.S. citizens will be prohibited from participating in American political life, including protests and demonstrations and any public expression of political opinion. Foreigners may not own American land within 60 miles of a national land border or within 30 miles of the coastal border. To serve in the military, one must be American by birth. This also holds for captains, pilots, engineers, and mechanics.

Giving such a speech will give the left and GOP establishment the vapors. Trump will be accused or racism and xenophobia, with a dose of fascism thrown in for good measure, as predictable as sunrise and sunset.