January 17, 2024

America First Patriots must be involved and active if we are going to save our country from a loud minority that seeks to move the United States toward Marxism. “Active” means more than posting comments on Facebook, X, or Truth Social. It’s picking a course of action, getting off your tuchas, and doing something. Anything!

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There are numerous ways Patriots can help to keep the United States a constitutional republic. Here are four examples of people who saw a problem and decided to do something:

MORALE BOOSTERS: Overall, many Democrats do not hold law enforcement officers (LEOs) in high regard. Whenever there’s an incident and often without knowing all the facts, they blame the police. Whether it’s in a city overwhelmed by rampant crime or a border state smothered by the endless invasion of illegal aliens, the Al Sharptons and AOCs of the world ignorantly assume the person with the badge is the bad guy.

In 2015, as Barack Obama was closing out his second disastrous term, Tom Langan and his wife Diane decided they would do something to offset the immense hate being directed at LEOs by leftist extremists. They founded Morale Boosters, which does exactly what its name implies.

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For the next three years, Tom and Diane visited police officers and sheriff deputies to let them know there are many Americans who support them and their efforts. The simple gesture of delivering snacks, light pens, handwritten thank-you cards, and other encouraging items (like banners signed by Americans who wanted to express their appreciation) means a lot to those who risk their lives every day to serve and protect.

Working on a shoestring budget, the Langans sent and sometimes visited LEOs throughout California (particularly Los Angeles) and other demoralizing locations for LEOs such as Portland, Oregon, Columbus, Ohio, and Chicago.

In 2018, as illegal caravans began swarming the southern border, Morale Boosters watched as leftists worked overtime to portray border patrol agents as the bad guys. So, Morale Boosters expanded their efforts to boost agents’ morale, too. From San Diego, California, to Brownsville, Texas, the two-person nonprofit, along with volunteers, ensured Agents know there are many Americans who value and appreciate them, and the work they were hired and want to do.

What drives Tom and Diane is their belief that the greatest Morale Booster is Jesus, and they bring that message to all their visits. Along with the encouraging items listed above are Peacemaker Bibles, though their outreach is to anyone of any religion who wears a badge.

To date, Morale Boosters has ‘boosted the morale,’ directly and indirectly, of over 10,000 police officers, sheriff deputies, and border patrol agents. Their work continues apace.

How easy it would have been for them to sit home and write a few charitable checks and let someone else get involved. But Tom and Diane Langan saw something and did something! In serving, their morale is boosted as much as those they serve.