Jesus' Coming Back

12 Ways to Recognize the Overlooked People in Your Church

Every church needs volunteers in a variety of areas. As the body of Christ, we need each other. Just like in our family, everyone pitches in to keep the family and the church body running smoothly. Announcing opportunities to serve from the pulpit and/or printing in the church bulletin or using flyers and signup sheets informs those who may not know who to ask where and how they can get involved. 

Sometimes, seniors in the church begin to feel overlooked and possibly unappreciated as the focus may shift to a younger, more energetic generation. That’s a big mistake and not biblical. All generations are important, actually vital, to a healthy church congregation. Older folks can meet many church needs, especially prayer, mentoring, or even folding and stuffing bulletins. 

Likewise, include the younger people in helping around the church. They have the energy and stamina to do tasks requiring both, and the more they feel needed and valued, the better chance they’ll stay connected with the church as they mature. They’re usually also very technically competent to help with audio-visual or computer tasks.

Recently, a Women’s Ministry Director from another state was recruiting women to join her team, but her email was mistakenly sent to me. When I replied to let her know I had received the email, she said her church had grown to a size where she didn’t know everyone attending anymore. I commended her for intentionally reaching out to offer women she didn’t know personally an opportunity to consider serving. 

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works. Hebrews 10:24 ESV

8. Have a Church Attendee’s Picture Wall

One opportunity to serve could be a church photographer who looks for new attendees and asks if they can take their pictures to put on a picture board along with their names. This might not be as easy in a larger church, but a larger church will actually have more wall space. The advantage of a picture wall with names is that it lets people put a face with a name when approaching someone they don’t know. 

Just like a wall of family pictures at home conveys, “we’re family,” having your picture and name on the church picture board says, “I’m a part of this church family. Even if I don’t know everyone, I still belong.” 

Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. Gal. 6:10

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Daisy 


Jesus Christ is King

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