February 4, 2024

Like Alice dropped into an illogical world, I’m looking at the past week and seeing a chaotic, topsy-turvy, irrational series of policies, events, and outcomes. There are many possible examples to choose from. I’ve chosen four: The open border, the inexplicable disparities in the handling of crimes by Democratic district attorneys, the Administration’s song and dance with Iran and UNRWA, and China, and there’s a degree of overlap in some of these.

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North of the Border

Millions of people — mostly military-age men — from almost every country on the globe are being processed by the Borden Patrol and released with orders to show up for hearings, many not set for several years distant, during which time the Democrats will certainly seek an electoral advantage. Since districting for voting and disbursement of federal funds is based on the number of residents, regardless of their legal status, districts with lots of illegals will get a weighted advantage. Most of the amnesty applications are groundless, but most likely the Democrats will seek amnesty for these millions. President Trump had begun wall construction and set in place policies to stop this. Within 100 days of taking office, Biden took 94 executive actions which smoothed the way for the massive influx of illegal immigrants. Legalizing them will effectively create a one-party state. Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who is now facing impeachment proceedings, worked to make deportation of these people nearly impossible. Elon Musk on X:

“Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas issued written guidance making it clear that: 1. Illegal presence alone is not grounds for deportation. 2. Criminal charges, convictions or gang membership alone are not enough for deportation. You basically have to be a convicted axe murderer to be deported!“

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The Supreme Court has made it nearly impossible for states to act when the federal government will not to stem the invasion. Jonathan Turley:

[T] his crisis is the result of decades of court rulings expanding executive powers while limiting the ability to challenge those policies. The court’s decisions narrowing standing have been deleterious, limiting those who can challenge unlawful or unconstitutional acts by the federal government.

States such as Texas are absolutely correct that this is a breach of the original understanding with the federal government. The combination of the sweeping preemption by the courts and diminishing enforcement by the agencies has left states as mere observers to their own destruction. It is like watching your house burn down as the fire department works primarily to prevent anyone else from putting it out.

The Biden fire department is claiming that, just as it has the authority to put out fires, it has the authority to let them burn . 

Irrational Democratic Law Enforcement

A pack of illegal migrants attacked New York City policemen. Videos captured the assault and several of the men were arrested. District Attorney Alvin Bragg arranged for them to be released on bail and they were photographed laughing and flipping off photographers.  Then, using  false names, they persuaded a sympathetic-to-illegals charity to give them bus transportation to California where they will receive “free health  care, housing, food subsidies, scholarships for illegal aliens in Gavin Newsom’s $68-billion-in the-red state.”  Confronted by a reporter concerning the no-bail policy for illegal criminals, New York’s Governor Kathy Hochul suggested they be deported, contrary to her state’s and California’s sanctuary state policies.