Powerful Video ‘He Saves Us’ Shows How Jesus Christ Still Changes Hearts and Lives

One video makes it abundantly clear how the power of Jesus Christ still can and does change hearts, minds, and lives today.
This lost and broken world is full of people who are hurting, struggling, and simply trying to survive by any means. Many are in a position where they see no end to their hopeless situation. They can see no end to their struggle, hurt, and heartache.
But, thankfully, there is one who provides the healing and comfort that so many desperately crave and desire. Jesus Christ has a message of love and hope that can transform hearts and lives. He can provide a peace that surpasses all understanding.
A video posted on YouTube features a wide and varied collection of people who demonstrate that Jesus Christ is still fully capable of performing life-changing and saving miracles today. Using black-and-white images, the ad quickly tells a handful of stories of several people who were lost and living in sin but turned from their ways after finding Jesus Christ.
Some of the people included in the minute-long clip are a former witch, someone who worked closely with noted atheist Richard Dawkins, a former KKK member, a former drug addict, a former lesbian activist, and a former abolitionist. But they have since changed their ways after finding Jesus Christ and turning their lives over to Him.
The people in the ad are individuals most people, including many Christians, would have written off as being past the point of no return. But praise God, there is none too far gone for Jesus Christ. His love and forgiveness know no limits or restrictions.
The ad ends by stating that He doesn’t just “get us” but saves and transforms us.
Christ willingly went to the cross, bled, and died for all, even for the worst of sinners. The power of Jesus Christ is still saving and changing lives today. This ad is an excellent example of the transformational nature of Christ’s love and forgiveness.
1 Timothy 1:15-16 “It is a true saying, in which all may put their faith, that Christ Jesus came into the world to give salvation to sinners, of whom I am the chief: but for this reason, I was given mercy, so that in me, the chief of sinners, Jesus Christ might make clear all his mercy, as an example to those who in the future would have faith in him to eternal life.”
Photo Credit: ‘The Christian Super Bowl Ad They SHOULD Have Made | He Saves Us’/ Jamie Bambrick via YouTube
Originally published by GodTube. Used with permission.
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