February 19, 2024

It’s clear that America’s open border is an unmitigated disaster, allowing over 300,000 known migrants to enter the U.S. each month. Migrants are arriving from all over the world, including from geopolitical adversaries like China and Afghanistan.

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Few are vetted, meaning their health, criminal, education, vocations, literacy, and motivations are unknown. Anyone can ask for political asylum, as they are coached to do. To federal border agents, they are a massive herd of cattle, and it’s all they can do just to get them across the border, feed and hydrate them, and put them on plane to Denver, New York, or Chicago.

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There are also an unknown number of euphemistically called “gotaways,” those waltzing into the U.S., not encountering a border agent, then just disappearing somewhere into America’s fruited plains. How many?

CBP reports over 1,000 “known “gotaways” a day. Recently impeached DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas acknowledges 600,000 “gotaways” in 2023. These are the “known” ones. How many are unknown? Likely at least as many as known.

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In total, this is more than the 3.9 million population of Los Angeles added to America’s welfare rolls each year. American cities are choking under this invasion.

President Joe Biden has the power to stop this at any time. He reversed all of President Donald Trump’s executive orders for building a wall, remaining in Mexico, asylum seeking, and many other measures which gave America a long overdue semblance of a national border. Most other countries have and manage a national border, without being accused of racism and xenophobia.

Biden could, by executive order, revert to Trump policies at any time, but he has not. Congress has been fiddling while American burns, refusing to hold government officials accountable and continuing to fund government agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security, which are facilitating our open border.

The U.S. Senate proposed a border plan which is just as bad or worse than Biden’s current approach, codifying bad policy into law, forever destroying the America we know. Obviously, the U.S. Senate, in bipartisan fashion, wants an open border. Their proposed legislation was really a smokescreen for additional billions for the Ukraine war money pit and laundering scheme, and fortunately the Senate bill died, but was resurrected for only foreign largess, ignoring Americans and their national border.

The defeated Senate bill would have also been a first step toward amnesty for all the illegal migrants already here. Biden when addressing the failed bill revealed, “[The bill] doesn’t address everything I wanted. For example, we still need to pass documentation for people that are already here.”

This is not simply a handful of migrants already here. Instead the number is 15 percent of the U.S. population, as Breitbart noted, “Biden has driven the nation’s foreign-born population to nearly 50 million — the largest ever in American history.”