February 21, 2024

Years ago, Jay Leno hosted the “Tonight Show.” Some of the funniest videos were those when he questioned random people on the street about a topic. On several occasions, they asked people simple geography questions, and many couldn’t name the country to our immediate north (It’s Canada, for you Rush people in Rio Linda.) or to our south. Undoubtedly, Leno didn’t show every response of those questioned but those he did were hilarious. Many people couldn’t name the continents much less any country, not even the United States. More recently, Jimmy Kimmel has taken up the quest to find ignorant Americans. In reality, their answers aren’t funny. That lack of knowledge helps explain much of why people think as they do — they’re ignorant on most topics.

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That said, we can learn a great deal from maps. Assuming you can read maps, we immediately see that Asia is a very large landmass, the same with Africa. Also, most of the earth’s surface is water (70%), and the Pacific Ocean is huge.

Consider the world map produced by the European Intelligence Unit (EIU) in 2023, that shows authoritarian countries. The EIU’s map color codes countries by their level of authoritarianism, the darker the color, the more it’s a dictatorship/authoritarian. The lighter the color, the more freedom it enjoys. Not surprising, all Middle East (ME) countries, except one, are very dark, meaning that they are authoritarian/dictatorships, Iran being one of the worst. The exception is Israel, the lone ME country that enjoys Western-type freedoms. Now, guess which countries our American Dems and leftists support? That’s correct – overwhelmingly, they support authoritarian countries, especially the Muslim countries. Biden left billions in military equipment when he surrendered Afghanistan. Now, Biden is working hard to give $$$ billions to Iran to fund terrorism, and 31 Harvard student groups openly support Palestinian Muslims in their efforts to destroy Israel. Additionally, China is extremely authoritarian and Biden (along with Hunter) has cozied up to them.

The LGBTQ+@- crowd votes exclusively Democrat and completely supports every leftist policy without question to include abortion on demand, transgenderism advanced to all ages, gay/lesbian books in children’s libraries, etc. Also, Dems and their LGBTQ+ minions openly support Palestinians against Jews and Israel. It just so happens that the ILGA (International Lesbian, Gay Association) produced a map. Their map indicates countries where the government discriminates against, executes, prosecutes, and/or persecutes lesbians, gays, transgenders, etc. Guess which countries are most likely to persecute gays, lesbians, etc.? That’s correct, far and away, Islamic countries target homosexuals. From Morocco to Gaza to Bangladesh, Muslim countries prosecute gays and lesbians. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Iran, Somalia, and Mauritania (Muslim countries all) execute gays. Gays live harmoniously in Israel, yet are subject to arrest (10-year sentence) in Gaza. Queer Muslims in Gaza actually flee to Israel for sanctuary. This makes you question the sanity of gays/lesbians who support Palestinians knowing Muslims would likely arrest them if they ever visited Gaza. Repeat after me, “liberalism is a mental illness.”

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Next consider the world map that shows female oppression and treatment of women. You name the oppressive practice against women from female genital mutilation, to female child marriages (forcing girls as young as eight-years old to marry men decades their senior), lack of female property rights, legal status of polygamy (men allowed to marry multiple women, not the other way around), differences in male-female life expectancy, required dress codes for women, domestic violence against women, and on and on; guess what countries are at the bottom of almost every category that measures female quality of life? Again, the 12 worst countries for women are Muslim. Actually, every ME and African country, except one, is at the bottom of almost every category. The lone exception is Israel. Now, what ME country are many Democrat lawmakers against? If you guessed Israel, give yourself a gold star. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), Cori Bush (D-MO), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), OAC (D-NY) and many other prominent Democrats have openly sided with Palestinian Muslims (and all Muslims for that matter) over Israel.

Consider two final world maps – maps of religious persecution. First is the map of countries that persecute Christians. Persecution involves oppression, often imprisonment in Gulags, and targeting with violence and death by terrorist groups and government officials. North Korea is the most brutal and oppressive country towards Christians. The next nine are the Muslim countries of Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Sudan, Iran, Pakistan, Eritrea, and Nigeria. Considering that the United States has spent trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives trying to help many of those Christian-hating countries (Somalia, Iraq, and Afghanistan come to mind) makes me question why we give a single dime to any Arab/Muslim/Islamic country.

As for countries that persecute Jews, it’s even worse; the top-10 anti-Semitic counties are all Islamic. Eighty years ago, most Muslim countries had tens of thousands of Jews. Today, most Islamic countries, you can count the Jews on your fingers. Those countries have committed genocide against Jews. Now, guess the countries that routinely hold large rallies where they chant “death to America,” where they call the United States the “great Satan,” and Israel “little Satan.” That’s correct, many Middle East countries hold such rallies while happily accepting $$$billions in foreign aid. Yes, our Washington politicians are that stupid.

Islamic countries are the most authoritarian, oppressive countries in the world. So why do our Biden and Dems adamantly support Muslims over Israel — the lone westernized country in the Middle East? Could it be the Dems support authoritarian regimes because they strive to that end?

Image: Michael Weinold