NYC Mayor Eric Adams Vows to Cut Funding to Migrants amid Record-Low Approval

New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) vowed on Wednesday to cut funding to border crossers and illegal aliens amid record-low approval with New Yorkers.
In November 2023, Adams authorized city-wide budget cuts where New Yorkers would have public services eliminated to afford waves of illegal immigration to the sanctuary city. The move came as fewer than 3-in-10 New Yorkers said they approved of Adams — a record low for a mayor in New York City.
On Wednesday, Adams said he is canceling the proposed budget cuts and will instead reduce taxpayer funding currently going to newly arrived border crossers and illegal aliens. Specifically, Adams said his office would cut another 10 percent in city-funded services for border crossers and illegal aliens and halt plans to carry out billions in more budget cuts on New Yorkers.
At the same time, though, Adams is defending his office’s decision to provide border crossers and illegal aliens — most of whom continue to live off city taxpayers — with prepaid debit cards that could eventually cost upward of $53 million.
The prepaid debit cards for border crossers and illegal aliens will be expanded, Adams said, if the program is deemed “successful” by city officials.
“I know on the first brush you look at it and say, ‘Wait a minute, what are you doing, you’re giving people cards?’” Adams said. “This was a small policy shift that we’re doing on a pilot project with 500 people. If this is successful, we’re going to expand it even more.”
Over the next three fiscal years, illegal immigration may cost New Yorkers $12 billion.
John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here.
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