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WATCH — Donald Trump Waves to Migrants Across the Border: ‘They Love Trump, Can You Believe It?’

Former President Donald Trump waved to migrants — presumably waiting to cross the border — during his visit to Eagle Pass, Texas, this week.

A clip from Trump’s trip to Eagle Pass shows the Republican frontrunner standing near a wire fence, waving and pumping his fist. Someone from afar begins to shout, “Trump! Trump!”

One individual says to Trump, “They’re waving at you.”

“They like Trump. Can you believe it?” the former president joked, patting Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on the back and adding, “They like your governor.”


Trump visited Eagle Pass this week, delivering remarks on his assessment of the Biden border crisis — a key issue many Republicans have hoped he would emphasize leading up to the election.

Trump spoke about some of the worst consequences of President Biden’s porous border, pointing to the recent murder of Augusta University nursing student Laken Riley. Jose Antonio Ibarra, a 26-year-old illegal alien from Venezuela, was arrested and charged with kidnapping and murdering her. Notably, Trump has spoken to Riley’s parents, describing them as “incredible” people.

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Donald J. Trump for President 2024

As Breitbart News’s Randy Clark detailed:

Trump’s remarks included details concerning his plan to regain control of the border as he lamented the deliberate destruction of the most secure border in history. The destruction occurred on January 21, 2021, with President Joe Biden canceling the former president’s strict and successful border policies. Trump’s statement described his assessment of the border, saying, “Three years ago, we had the most secure border in history. People weren’t coming because they knew they couldn’t get in. We weren’t promising free education, free medical, free everything.”

Trump went on to tout the progress towards securing the border under his administration, saying, “We ended catch and release, we built 571 miles of border wall, much more than I promised I would build.” Trump added, “We purchased another 200 miles (of wall materials), and they sold that — much of it for five cents on the dollar.”

Trump went on to describe the removal policies canceled on President Biden’s watch, including “Remain in Mexico,” Asylum Cooperative Agreements (ACA’s) to speed asylum adjudication while migrants wait in Central American northern triangle countries, and the Title 42 COVID-19 expulsion mechanism.

Trump’s visit to Eagle Pass followed the state of Texas seizing Shelby Park, and it now “boasts significant reinforcement of no-climb fencing and layers of concertina wire added by soldiers as part of Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star border security mission,” as Breitbart News detailed. Migrant crossings near the park have decreased exponentially, dropping from around 5,000 a day in December to what Clark described as a “mere trickle on most days.”

Meanwhile, Biden’s White House is beginning to refer to illegal immigrants as “newcomers.”


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