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The world is unfair – Putin

Social disparities are the main “injustice” in the modern world, the Russian leader tells a youth forum

The modern world is “unfair,” but social disparities can be addressed by establishing a multipolar world, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday.

Speaking at the closing ceremony of the World Youth Festival (WYF) in Sochi, Putin said: “There are no equal conditions in the world for everyone. This is the main injustice of the current world order.”

On the issue of inequality, the Russian leader noted that in the United States people can die “at the doorway of a hospital” if they don’t have medical insurance.

“The world is unfair, that’s for sure. And people who do not have sufficient income cannot receive a normal education or have the right to count on medical care,” the Russian leader said.

Putin argued that countries worldwide should strive to create an environment where all people are brought up and live as equally as possible “for the good of one’s family and humanity at large.”

The seven-day WYF opened in Sochi on 1, bringing together some 20,000 young people selected from a vast pool of applicants. The festival is hosting assorted cultural and sporting events, contests, exhibitions, and panel discussions. After the gathering in Sochi, WYF participants are scheduled to visit 30 cities across Russia from March 10-17.

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