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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr: Biden Used ‘Comic Book Characterizations’ for Ukraine-Russia Conflict

Friday, during an appearance on FNC’s “The Ingraham Angle,” 2024 independent presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. criticized President Joe Biden’s speech, calling it “hyper-partisan” and noting that it failed to be “statesmanlike” and unify the country.

However, Kennedy also took issue with Biden’s portrayal of Russia and Ukraine, which he called “comic book characterizations.”

“Robert, your reaction to Biden last night, especially going hard on Ukraine at the top and going all in on Putin’s rolling through, you know, Europe like Hitler,” host Laura Ingraham said. “And I’m paraphrasing, obviously.”

“Yeah, I mean, I thought the speech in general — I agree with some of the commentators that you have had that it was hyper-partisan,” Kennedy replied. “That it was more like a — you know, President Biden when he came in promised to unify the country and this was more of a campaign stump speech that you would give to a red meat crowd during the last two weeks of the campaign, rather than that kind of statesmanlike and presidential unifying speech that we want to see and the nation expects and that the world expects from the — from the State of the Union Address where you want to see — you want something that inspires pride in our country and in our country and all around the globe. The speech is listened to by, you know, to billions of people around the world, and we want to showcase the best of our country and not just make it, you know, a sort of partisan slugfest.”

“In terms of Ukraine, I — you know, I disagree with the comic book characterizations that President Biden has made,” he continued. “This is a war that should have been settled because we now know because — we now know from Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, from the Turkish prime minister — Premier Erdogan that peace agreement was initialed by both sides, by Zelensky and by Putin’s side. Putin was withdrawing troops from Kyiv when President Biden sent Boris Johnson over there to force Zelensky to tear up this agreement. This was not about stopping Putin from rampaging across Europe. It is a war about the extension of NATO into Ukraine, which we should not be doing. Our greatest diplomats have condemned that. It was just — it was a mistake.”

“President Biden did mention one issue that he has not mentioned before that I was very happy about which is the housing crisis in this country, the fact that young people can’t get into a home,” Kennedy added. “His solution, however, I think, was –was, I would say, a cynical solution, which is a $10,000 gift for the next two years, in other words, from now to the election.”

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor


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