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SH**HOLE NEWS: Lenient NYC Judge Releases Unhinged Homeless Man Who Randomly Struck Woman in Head: Cops; ‘This is why we boycott NY’; Outrage Erupts Online as Manhattan Judge Valentina Morales Frees Alleged Attacker Who Hit Woman in Head

Lenient NYC judge releases unhinged homeless man who randomly struck woman in head: cops

A notoriously lenient city judge who recently sprung a Venezuelan migrant without bail after he stabbed a man in Times Square has struck again — releasing a vagrant who randomly bashed a woman in Union Square as she walked to work, cops said.

Jill Burke, 24, only learned her alleged attacker Eric Taylor was cut loose when she showed up to testify against him to a grand jury, The Post has learned.

Manhattan Criminal Court Judge Valentina Morales released Taylor — who has two prior felony convictions and 22 misdemeanor convictions, records show — despite a prosecutor’s request for $20,000 cash bail or $60,000 bond, records show.

Burke said she was walking around 10 a.m. to work at a startup financial firm on Jan. 31 when she was suddenly struck in the face with a heavy object and knocked to the ground.

“He was carrying a plastic bag full of things in one hand and kind of pointed at me with the other hand like he was aiming,” Burke, who lives in the East Village, told The Post.

“He took the plastic bag and hurled it at my face from about two feet away. I fell to the ground and then he just walked away.”

Police responded and took the bag as evidence — Burke said it felt like it had glass bottles in it but she never had a chance to look inside — before they tracked Taylor to a nearby electronics store and got a clear photo of him, she said.

Taylor, 50, told cops he threw the bag at Burke because “he thought she was a spy and was plotting against him,” court records show.

Burke suffered a black eye and a cut above her eyebrow. Her attacker was arrested and charged with felony assault, a bail-eligible offense.

“This is a stranger assault in which the defendant threw a shopping bag filled with various hard objects at a complete stranger’s head for no reason,” according to prosecutors.

If convicted on the top count, Taylor faces a minimum of three years in state prison. —>READ MORE HERE

‘This is why we boycott NY’: Outrage erupts online as Manhattan Judge Valentina Morales frees alleged attacker who hit woman in head:

Social media users were extremely upset recently because they disagreed with a decision made by a Manhattan judge. The judge granted freedom to a man named Eric Taylor, 50, who was accused of attacking a woman named Jill Burke, 24, by hitting her on the head.

According to the New York Post, Burke had revealed that the incident occurred around 10 am on January 31 while she was walking to work at a startup financial firm. She stated that she was unexpectedly hit in the face with a heavy object, causing her to fall to the ground, allegedly by Taylor.

Manhattan judge releases alleged attacker Eric Taylor

According to a report by the New York Post, a Manhattan judge, known for being lenient, recently released an alleged attacker who reportedly assaulted a woman in Union Square as she was on her way to work, according to police.

The victim, identified as Burke, found out that her alleged assailant, Taylor, had been released when she went to testify against him in front of a grand jury, as reported by The New York Post.

Despite a prosecutor’s request for either $20,000 cash bail or a $60,000 bond, records indicate that Manhattan Criminal Court Judge Valentina Morales released Taylor, who has two prior felony convictions and 22 misdemeanor convictions.

Burke, who is a resident of East Village, described the incident to The New York Post, stating, “He was carrying a plastic bag full of things in one hand and kind of pointed at me with the other hand like he was aiming. He took the plastic bag and hurled it at my face from about two feet away. I fell to the ground and then he just walked away.” —>READ MORE HERE

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