Jesus' Coming Back

Schiff: Trump ‘Either Stupid or Crazy — ‘No Impulse Control’

Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) said Monday on MSNBC’s “Inside” that he believed former President Donald Trump was “either stupid or crazy” for continuing to claim he does not know E. Jean Carroll.

On CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” Trump said, “Miss Bergdorf Goodman, a person I never — I never met, I have no idea who she is except one thing. I got sued. From that point on, I said, Wow, that’s crazy. What this is. I got charged. I was given a false accusation and had to post a $91 million bond on a false accusation.”

Referencing Carroll’s lawyer, anchor Jen Psaki said, “I mean, he had self-control for like a second there. Do you hear that as meeting the bar of defaming, and do you think if you are Robbie Kaplan, you should act on that?”

Schiff said, “Certainly could. A jury could certainly conclude he is at it again. And what’s more, the fact that he keeps having these judgments against them is just further evidence that he knows what he is doing is wrong. He knows he has defamed someone. It cumulatively adds to the proof against him, but it also shows both that, you know, you’ve got to be either stupid or crazy to keep doing the same thing.”

Psaki said, “Or both.”

Schiff said, “Or both, that is costing you millions. But it also shows no matter what, he is instructed by his lawyers or anyone else. He just can’t control himself. You don’t want someone in the Oval Office was no impulse control, not when they have their finger on the button in addition to many other things.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN


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