Jesus' Coming Back

American-Israeli IDF soldier killed on Oct. 7, body held hostage by Hamas

Sergeant (Sgt.) Itay Chen, 19, from Netanya, was killed on October 7 with his body taken by Hamas, the IDF confirmed Tuesday.

Chen was a soldier in the 75th Batallion. His body remains in the hands of terrorists in the Gaza Strip.

Biden says he’s devastated to learn of killing of US-Israeli citizen on Oct. 7

US President Joe Biden said on Tuesday he was devastated to learn that dual US-Israel citizen Itay Chen was killed in Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel.

“I reaffirm my pledge to all the families of those still held hostage: we are with you. We will never stop working to bring your loved ones home,” Biden said in a statement released by the White House.

 Ruby Chen, the father of 19-year-old Itay Chen who has been held hostage by Hamas, holds an hour glass. (credit: MAARIV)
Ruby Chen, the father of 19-year-old Itay Chen who has been held hostage by Hamas, holds an hour glass. (credit: MAARIV)

A statement made on behalf of Chen’s family read, “It is with great sadness that we received the military’s update last night that our dear son, Sergeant Itai Chen, fell in battle on October 7.

“The chief military rabbi determined his death after examining all the findings and based on reliable information. We will not hold a funeral, and we will not sit shiva until the return of our son. We call on the Prime Minister of Israel to fulfill his moral, ethical, and Jewish duty and return our son for burial as the hero he is.

“We will continue to lead and take part in the fight for the return of all 134 hostages who have not returned. We thank everyone who supported and accompanied us throughout these 158 unbearably difficult days. Today, in great pain, we joined the family of October 7 victims – and we will not stop until all the hostages are returned to their families.”


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