March 12, 2024

Israel stands out among the nations like a sore thumb because of its willingness to fight for its right to exist. By doing so, it is a threat to the world order. The Western world is dedicated to humanity’s destruction, believing that global population is inherently wrong. For leftists, as for Islamists, individuals have no worth and can be manipulated and destroyed for ideological ends.

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To aid this planned depopulation, leftists seek to create a bleak, dystopian world in which people find pleasure in sex without procreation. And most importantly—in stark contrast to Israel—leftists create a world without emotional connections, starting with their destruction of the most important bond of all, that within a happy family.

Population reduction to make the world a better place is about as poorly thought out a policy as child sacrifice to improve crop yields. Without evidence, globalists believe that reducing the population will produce peace, prosperity, progress, and happiness. However, there is excellent evidence that humans made very little progress for hundreds of thousands of years before our population began to burgeon. According to the archeological record, it took primitives one hundred twenty-five thousand years to move from using shaped rock tools to the first evidence that they tied a rock on a stick to form a hammer.

More catastrophic, regarding population reduction, we are still too ignorant to determine what adaptive genetic and epigenetic patterns would be wiped out. Each of us is an original, a one-of-a-kind production. As much as Marxists fantasize that people and jobs are interchangeable, that’s just one of their many delusions.

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Genetic and epigenetic losses due to population reduction do not nearly describe the full destructive effects of purposeful family disruption. The hypothesis of this essay, bluntly stated, is that family destruction has caused societal degradation in the past and may lead to human annihilation in the future.

We already have policies in America that resulted in a decline in family functionality. A short list includes laws that undermine parental rights, facilitate drug and alcohol abuse, ease divorce with children bearing the emotional costs, use education as a political tool to teach captive children that family life is undesirable, devalue academic standards to reduce the possibility of family formation, and replace fathers with government support leading to debilitating economic and emotional poverty, particularly for the youngest children.

Image: Survivors of the October 7 Kibbutz Be’eri massacre come together to sing. YouTube screen grab.

The most underappreciated disability imposed upon children in both primitive and modern times is abandonment. Any disturbance of affectional attachments from late pregnancy through toddlerhood leaves indelible deficiencies in the future adult. When an infant experiences abandonment, especially when unexpected, he suffers the distortion or complete disappearance of trust and may permanently lose the ability to express compassion or altruism.

From a lack of trust comes insecure relationships. From insecure relationships comes unfulfilled affectional needs. And from unfulfilled affectional needs comes a vague but pervasive unhappiness and a lifelong feeling of discontent that translates easily into anger, unreasonable fear, generalized anxiety, depression, and the acceptance that one is powerless. If a child cries so long that he gives up and becomes silent, he has lost control of his world and will suffer for that loss.

A society composed of once-abandoned children is broken. To a great degree, any society’s nature is based upon the nature of its individuals taken as an aggregate. There is a feedback loop in which the robustness of its members determines a society’s quality. If individuals are happy and productive, the society will radiate the aggregated features of the happy individuals. If individuals are dour, distrustful, hopeless, and angry, the society again will reflect the aggregate features of its individual members.

To believe that the state, government, or societal structure solely determines the viability of its individual members negates the insight that the feedback loop between the individual and society runs in both directions. Happy citizens would naturally want and expect their government to be interested in their happiness and success.