Jesus' Coming Back

Food, watches, and more: What Israel’s prisoners demand for Ramadan

Qurans, joint prayers, and food at a “reasonable level and quantity” – these are just some of the demands of several security detainees in administrative detention held in the Ktzi’ot Prison. The Israel Prison Service stated that the appropriate court would examine the issue. This comes against the backdrop of the increasing overcrowding in Israeli prisons.

A group of security detainees in administrative detention petitioned the court on Sunday to issue an order instructing the Israel Prison Service to provide them with Qurans and watches to monitor Ramadan fasting times and also to allow them to hold joint prayers on Fridays and in general.

According to the petition, the detainees also requested permission to bring personal items such as clothing, blankets, and slippers, access to warm water 24 hours a day, and “food at a reasonable level and quantity.”

Deteriorating conditions in Israeli prisons

Since the outbreak of the war, the living conditions of prisoners and security detainees in Israeli prisons have dramatically deteriorated, alongside the unprecedented overcrowding of the state’s prison system due to the crisis of increased incarceration. According to the Israel Prison Service, the aforementioned petitions, if filed, will be dealt with before the appropriate court like any other petition.


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