Jesus' Coming Back

Funniest shite of the day.

To think that this 3,000 word piece of crap went through several pairs of eyes before it went public should tell us the level of mind we are dealing with on the left. The article is funny in a cursory glance, but the beliefs that informed this article are deeply held by the left, even if it flies in the face of reality (or, maybe because it flies in the face of reality).

This article goes even beyond hyperbole, and instead reveals the deep mental ills that the indoctrination centers we call ‘school’ have reaped. Almost two full generations have been slimed by the Marxist poison. It’s a special kind of poison that makes the person infectious, with social media acting as the super-spreader with active measures by the government and big tech, and they end up destroying everything considered good and holy.

But, due to their mental incapacitation and twisted sense of reality, they truly feel they are the nicer group of people. Truly. That is why they will not stop until they have forcefully eliminated any thoughts or ideas they determine to be against their new reality, which they have been taught is anethema to existence itself – so violence against persons with those thoughts and ideas is simply self-defense, of course.

Those minds will never be changed. It is far too late for such hope. But there are still enough minds that will understand and work to reduce the power that the leftist infiltration of our instutions has garnered for them. But if democrats win both houses and the presidency, the Republic will come to a bloody, violent end. Liberty loving minds will be murdered by the government, and half the citizenry will cheer them on.

Citizen Free Press

Jesus Christ is King

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